Meaning of GIVE OUT in English

{v.} 1. To make known; let it be known; publish. * /Mary gave out that she and Bob were going to be married./ 2. To let escape; give. * /The cowboy gave out a yell./ Syn.: GIVE OFF, LET GO. 3. to give to people; distribute. * /The barber gives out free lollipops to all the children./ Compare: HAND OUT, PASS OUT. 4. To fail; collapse. * /Tom's legs gave out and he couldn't run any farther./ * /The chair gave out under the fat man./ Compare: WEAR OUT. 5. To be finished or gone. * /When the food at the party gave out, they bought more./ * /The teacher's patience gave out./ Syn.: RUN OUT, RUN SHORT. Compare: USE UP, WEAR OUT. 6. {slang} Not to hold back; act freely; let yourself go. - Often used in the imperative. * /You're not working hard, Charley. Give out!/ 7. {informal} To show how you feel. * /When Jane saw the mouse, she gave out with a scream./ * /Give out with a little smile./ Compare: LET GO.

Slang English vocab.      Английский сленговый словарь.