Meaning of PROPERTY in English

adj propriety; correctness.

2. property ·vt to invest which properties, or qualities.

3. property ·vt to make a property of; to appropriate.

4. property ·adj the exclusive right of possessing, enjoying, and disposing of a thing; ownership; title.

5. property ·adj all the adjuncts of a play except the scenery and the dresses of the actors; stage requisites.

6. property ·adj an acquired or artificial quality; that which is given by art, or bestowed by man; as, the poem has the properties which constitute excellence.

7. property ·adj that to which a person has a legal title, whether in his possession or not; thing owned; an estate, whether in lands, goods, or money; as, a man of large property, or small property.

8. property ·adj that which is proper to anything; a peculiar quality of a thing; that which is inherent in a subject, or naturally essential to it; an attribute; as, sweetness is a property of sugar.

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