Meaning of HAVE IT in English



a. : assert , maintain , claim

rumor has it that there will be a marked change in women's fashions

all their friends have it that they are secretly married

— often used with will

the enemy will have it that we are already defeated

b. : to conceive of and act in relation to a point under consideration

which way do you want to have it

have it your own way

2. : to express or phrase it

he was drunk as a lord, as his friends have it

3. : to endure or suffer it — used with will not or would not

tried to exploit him but he would not have it

after his insult if he tries to explain I will not have it

4. : to bring about : arrange

good fortune had it that we arrived early


a. : to gain or hold an advantage : win

b. : to gain the victory in a viva-voce vote

the ayes have it

6. : to receive or suffer a blow, punishment, or disaster

the fighter let his opponent have it in the face

7. : to have or have hit on a solution or a practicable or appropriate plan or method

8. : to be so dealt with by fortune or circumstance that one's affairs or welfare are of a (particular favorable or unfavorable) character

had it good in times of prosperity

has it pretty tough since his wife died

Webster's New International English Dictionary.      Новый международный словарь английского языка Webster.