I. ˈnākə̇d, chiefly in southern US ˈnek- adjective
( sometimes -er/-est )
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English nacod, nacud, naced; akin to Old High German nackot, nackut naked, Old Norse nökkvithr, Gothic naqaths, Latin nudus, Greek gymnos, Sanskrit nagna
1. : lacking covering : uncovered: as
(1) : not wearing, covered by, or protected with clothing : nude
the man and his wife were both naked , and were not ashamed — Gen 2:25 (Revised Standard Version)
— used of a person, the body, or one of its parts
naked arms plunged into the dough
never saw a colder nakeder man
(2) : inadequately or partially clothed especially so as to be socially unacceptable
that blouse is a disgrace, the girl is simply naked
b. of a saddle or draft animal : lacking the usual harness or trappings
(1) of a sword or similar weapon : free from its sheath : unsheathed and ready for immediate use
advancing, naked sword in hand
(2) : freed from or not provided with a protective enclosure
a naked light
d. of a plant or one of its parts
(1) : lacking pubescence
smooth naked stems
(2) : lacking some enveloping or subtending structure (as leaves, hulls, scales)
a naked bud
e. of an animal or one of its parts : lacking some natural external covering (as of hair, feathers, or shell)
a naked rhizopod
the Transylvanian naked -necked fowl
f. : not clothed in substance or flesh — used especially of personified concepts or unembodied entities
the naked spirits of the air
g. : lacking a final covering layer
a naked wall is one fully lathed but not yet plastered
a. : unprovided with needful or adequate clothing or other necessities of life : poverty-stricken : destitute
naked of comfort
b. : empty and barren : seeming bare by reason of the lack of usual covering, adornment, or furnishings
glanced about the drab naked room
(1) : devoid of ornaments or embellishments
hands naked of rings
(2) : lacking foliage
wintry trees spreading their gray naked arms
(3) : devoid of or sparsely furnished with vegetation
a naked desert
the naked hills towering above
c. : lacking weapons or means of defense or offense : unarmed , defenseless
unwilling to slay a naked man
a. : devoid of anything that strengthens, supports, or confirms : lacking evident or proven authority or authoritativeness : mere , simple
a naked command
naked belief
b. : lacking in some material matter, or having nothing to validate, confirm, or support it
a naked title
such naked contracts are difficult to enforce
c. : lacking estimable qualities (as of worth, dignity, adequacy) : bald , meager , scanty
a naked account of the conference
4. : devoid of concealment or disguise
confront naked realities at their source — Richard Eberhart
a. : outspoken and straightforward : presented without reserve or embellishment
a naked confession
the naked truth
b. : open to view : plainly manifest : clear , obvious
the naked facts of the case
an act of naked aggression
5. chiefly dialect
a. : of full strength : undiluted
naked spirits
b. : free from contamination or admixture : pure
naked water
Synonyms: see bare
II. noun
( -s )
1. archaic : nude
covered the naked with a garment — Ezek 18:7 (Authorized Version)
2. : the inadequately clothed
clothes for the naked
III. adjective
: not backed by the writer's ownership of the commodity contract or security
selling naked options