1. : any of certain diseases of cattle characterized by hematuria: as
a. : a babesiasis (as Texas fever) in which hemoglobin liberated by destruction of red blood cells appears in the urine
b. : a chronic disease affecting cattle especially at the end of winter attributed to oxalic acid in the forage and marked by escape of blood into the urine from lesions in the bladder
c. : east coast fever
d. : an acute febrile septicemia that is caused by a bacterium ( Clostridium hemolyticum ), is marked by hemoglobinuria and sometimes by intestinal hemorrhages, and less commonly affects horses, sheep, and swine
e. : bovine leptospirosis
2. : any of various diseases of other animals of which hematuria is a prominent symptom
a. : water that is colored red (as by iron compounds)
b. : red tide