— branchless , adj. — branchlike , adj.
/branch, brahnch/ , n.
1. a division or subdivision of the stem or axis of a tree, shrub, or other plant.
2. a limb, offshoot, or ramification of any main stem: the branches of a deer's antlers.
3. any member or part of a body or system; a section or subdivision: the various branches of learning.
4. a local operating division of a business, library, or the like.
5. a line of family descent stemming from a particular ancestor, as distinguished from some other line or lines from the same stock; a division of a family.
6. a tributary stream or any stream that is not a large river or a bayou.
7. Chiefly South Midland and Southern U.S. See branch water (def. 2).
8. Ling. (in the classification of related languages within a family) a category of a lower order than a subfamily and of a higher order than a subbranch or a group, as the Germanic branch of Indo-European. Cf. group (def. 4a).
9. Computers. a point in a computer program where the computer selects one of two or more instructions to execute, according to some criterion.
10. Naut. a warrant or license permitting a pilot to navigate in certain waters.
11. to put forth branches; spread in branches.
12. to divide into separate parts or subdivisions; diverge: The main road branches off to the left.
13. to expand or extend, as business activities: The bank has plans to branch throughout the state.
14. to divide into branches or sections.
15. to adorn with needlework; decorate with embroidery, as in textile fabrics.
16. branch out , to expand or extend, as business activities, pursuits, interests, etc.: The business is branching out into computers.
[ 1250-1300; ME bra ( u ) nche branche branca paw, of uncert. orig. ]
Syn. 1. offshoot, shoot. BRANCH, BOUGH, LIMB refer to divisions of a tree. BRANCH is general, meaning either a large or a small division. BOUGH refers only to the larger branches: a bough loaded with apples. A LIMB is a large primary division of a tree trunk or of a bough: to climb out on a limb. 12. ramify, subdivide.