— hiller , n.
/hil/ , n.
1. a natural elevation of the earth's surface, smaller than a mountain.
2. an incline, esp. in a road: This old jalopy won't make it up the next hill.
3. an artificial heap, pile, or mound: a hill made by ants.
4. a small mound of earth raised about a cultivated plant or a cluster of such plants.
5. the plant or plants so surrounded: a hill of potatoes.
6. Baseball. mound 1 (def. 4).
7. go over the hill , Slang.
a. to break out of prison.
b. to absent oneself without leave from one's military unit.
c. to leave suddenly or mysteriously: Rumor has it that her husband has gone over the hill.
8. over the hill ,
a. relatively advanced in age.
b. past one's prime.
9. the Hill . See Capitol Hill .
10. to surround with hills: to hill potatoes.
11. to form into a hill or heap.
[ bef. 1000; ME; OE hyll; c. MD hille, L collis hill; cf. L culmen top, peak (see COLUMN, CULMINATE), celsus lofty, very high, Goth hallus rock, Lith kálnas mountain, Gk kolonós hill, kolophón summit (see COLOPHON) ]
Syn. 1. eminence, prominence; mound, knoll, hillock; foothill.
Ant. 1. hollow, valley.