/serr"plus, -pleuhs/ , n., adj., v., surplussed or surplused, surplussing or surplusing . n.
1. something that remains above what is used or needed.
2. an amount, quantity, etc., greater than needed.
3. agricultural produce or a quantity of food grown by a nation or area in excess of its needs, esp. such a quantity of food purchased and stored by a governmental program of guaranteeing farmers a specific price for certain crops.
4. Accounting.
a. the excess of assets over liabilities accumulated throughout the existence of a business, excepting assets against which stock certificates have been issued; excess of net worth over capital-stock value.
b. an amount of assets in excess of what is requisite to meet liabilities.
5. being a surplus; being in excess of what is required: surplus wheat.
6. to treat as surplus; sell off; retire: The government surplussed some of its desert lands.
[ 1325-75; ME (n.) superplus, equiv. to super- SUPER- + plus PLUS ]
Syn. 1. superabundance. See remainder .