1) to conclude, sign; negotiate; ratify a ~
2) to carry out, execute a ~
3) to draw up, write a ~
4) to assign (after bidding), let; award a ~
5) to abrogate, cancel, repudiate a ~
6) to breach, break, violate a ~
7) a legal, valid; void ~
8) ( colloq. ) ( AE ) a sweetheart ~ ('an agreement favorable to the employer that was reached without the participation of the union members')
8) ( AE ) a yellow-dog ~ ('a ~ that obligates the workers not to join a union')
9) a marriage ~
10) a ~ for; with
11) under ~ with (that player is under ~ with our team)
1) ( d ; intr. ) to ~ for; with (the city ~ed for a new library with their firm)
2) ( E ) the firm ~ed to construct the bridge