1) to draw, run ~ (for a bath)
2) to add ~
3) to drink; sip ~
4) to pour; spill ~
5) to splash; sprinkle; squirt ~ on
6) to boil, sterilize; chlorinate; distill; filter; fluoridate; purify; soften ~
7) to drain ~ from
8) to pollute ~
9) boiling; carbonated; clear; cold; contaminated, polluted; distilled; drinking, potable; fresh; hard; heavy; holy; hot; ice; mineral; murky; rain; rose; running; safe; salt; salty; sea; soda; soft; stagnant; tepid; warm ~
10) ~ boils; evaporates; flows, pours, runs; freezes; leaks; oozes; rises; vaporizes
11) a body of ~
12) by ~ (to travel by ~)
13) under ~ (after the flood our basement was under ~)
14) ( misc. ) to make/pass ~ ('to urinate'); to hold ~ ('to be valid') (your theory doesn't hold ~); to tread ~ (when swimming); ~ under the bridge ('past events that are done with'); to pour cold ~ on ('to discourage'); to keep one's head above ~ ('to keep out of difficulty'); toilet ~ ('liquid used as a skin freshener')
v. ( misc. ) to make smb.'s mouth ~ ('to create a desire or appetite in smb.'); her mouth ~s at the sight of popcorn