Meaning of WIND in English


n. /~/

movement, current of air

1) an adverse; balmy, gentle, light; biting, cold, cutting, icy; brisk, heavy, high, stiff, strong; fair, favorable; gale-force; gusty; head; raw; tail; trade ~

2) the prevailing ~s

3) the ~ blows; falls, subsides; howls; picks up

4) a blast, gust of ~

5) a down; up ~

6) ( misc. ) as free as the ~


7) to get ~ of smt.


8) to catch, get one's second ~

9) out of ~


10) to break ~ ('to expel rectal gas'); in the ~ ('imminent'); to take the ~ out of smb.'s sails ('to deflate smb.'); to see how the ~ blows ('to see what is likely to happen'); to sow the ~ and reap the whirl~


v. /waynd/

1) ( d ; tr. ) to ~ around, round (she wound the string around her finger)

2) ( P ; intr. ) the procession wound through the town

3) ( misc. ) to ~ smb. around one's little finger ('to manipulate smb.')

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