Meaning of WATER LAW (NEVADA) in English

Nevada's water law is based on the Prior Appropriation Doctrine. Furthermore, unlike some other states, Nevada has a statewide system for the administration of both ground water and surface water. Appropriative Water Rights are based on the concept of applying water to Beneficial Use and "First in Time, First in Right". Appropriative water rights can be lost through nonuse and they may be sold or transferred apart from the land. Due in large part to the relative scarcity of water in Nevada and numerous competing uses, Nevada has had a thriving market for water transfers for a number of years. Water rights in Nevada are administered by the State Engineer. Also see Application, Water Right, Riparian Doctrine, Riparian Water Rights, Littoral Water Rights, Prescribed Water Rights, and Reserved Water Rights.

Environmental engineering English vocabulary.      Английский словарь экологического инжиниринга.