Meaning of COLD in English


1. cold weather

2. extremely cold weather

3. pleasantly cold weather

4. person

5. place/room

6. liquid/object/surface

7. food/drink

8. to make food and drink cold

9. to get cold or colder




see also





1. cold weather

▷ cold /kəʊld/ [adjective]

▪ This is the coldest winter we’ve had in years.

▪ a cold January evening

it’s cold

the weather is cold

▪ Put your gloves on - it’s cold outside today.

it gets cold

▪ It gets really cold here at night.

cold weather

▪ The layer of fat below a goose’s skin protects it from cold weather.

▷ the cold /ðə ˈkəʊld/ [uncountable noun]

cold weather - use this to emphasize how unpleasant and uncomfortable it is outside :

▪ Come in. Don’t stand out there in the cold.

▷ chilly /ˈtʃɪli/ [adjective]

cold, but not extremely cold :

▪ a chilly morning in April

it’s chilly

the weather is chilly

▪ It’s a little chilly out here - I think we’ll go inside.

it gets/turns chilly

▪ Temperatures were in the 80s on Tuesday, but it turned chilly Wednesday afternoon.

▷ nippy /ˈnɪpi/ [adjective] informal

a little cold :

▪ The weather’s getting warmer, but the mornings are still nippy.

it’s nippy

the weather is nippy

▪ I’m going indoors. It’s a little nippy out here.

▷ frosty /ˈfrɒstiǁˈfrɔːsti/ [adjective]

very cold, when everything is covered in a thin white layer of ice, and the sky is often bright and clear :

▪ They were both shivering slightly from the frosty air.

▪ It was a frosty autumn morning with spiders’ webs glistening in the frozen grass.

▷ wintry /ˈwɪntri/ [adjective]

cold with snow or rain, and typical of the weather you often have in winter :

▪ We can expect a few wintry showers on the northern hills.

▪ Outside it was a cold wintry day, but Anne felt safe and warm inside by the fire.

▷ cold spell /ˈkəʊld ˌspel/ [countable noun]

a period of several days or weeks when the weather is much colder than usual :

▪ Last month’s cold spell was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of old people.

▪ The price of firewood usually shoots up during cold spells.

▷ cold snap /ˈkəʊld ˌsnæp/ [countable noun]

a sudden short period of very cold weather :

▪ It was a wintry day in April in the middle of an unexpected cold snap.

2. extremely cold weather

▷ freezing/freezing cold /ˈfriːzɪŋ, ˌfriːzɪŋ ˈkəʊld◂/ [adjective]

extremely cold, so that water turns to ice :

▪ The freezing weather continued all through February.

it’s freezing/freezing cold

▪ How can you stand to be out here without a coat? It’s freezing!

▷ bitterly cold/bitter /ˌbɪtəʳli ˈkəʊld◂, ˈbɪtəʳ/ [adjective]

extremely cold so that it almost hurts you to be outdoors :

▪ We arrived in Chicago during the bitterly cold winter of 1935.

▪ a bitter east wind

it’s bitterly cold

▪ Don’t go out tonight. It’s bitterly cold.

▷ arctic /ˈɑːʳktɪk/ [adjective only before noun]

arctic conditions/winds/chill

extremely cold, usually with ice and snow :

▪ I wouldn’t take the car out in these arctic conditions.

▪ He could feel the arctic chill creeping into the cabin.

▷ subzero temperatures /ˌsʌbzɪ ə rəʊ ˈtemp ə rətʃəʳzǁ -ziːrəʊ-/ [plural noun]

temperatures that are very cold and below the point at which water freezes :

▪ Subzero temperatures can be expected for the next few days.

▪ Thousands of refugees are spending tonight on a mountainside in subzero temperatures.

3. pleasantly cold weather

▷ cool /kuːl/ [adjective]

cold in a pleasant way, especially after the weather has been hot :

▪ a cool sea breeze

▪ Although the days are very hot, it’s much cooler at night.

▷ fresh /freʃ/ [adjective] especially British

pleasantly cold and windy :

▪ We walked towards the sea with a fresh breeze blowing in our faces.

▪ The hot weather will continue today, but tomorrow will be fresher with cool, westerly winds.

▷ crisp /krɪsp/ [adjective]

pleasantly cold, dry, and clear :

▪ I love to be out of doors on these bright, crisp autumn mornings.

▪ The weather was crisp and clear and you could see the mountains fifty miles away.

▷ bracing /ˈbreɪsɪŋ/ [adjective]

cold, fresh and clear in a way that makes you feel healthy and cheerful :

▪ Hank loved the feel of the bracing sea air against his face.

▪ Tourists are attracted by the beautiful scenery and bracing mountain climate.

4. person

▷ cold /kəʊld/ [adjective not before noun]

feeling cold :

▪ Dad, I’m cold. Can I put the heater on?

▪ Your hands are really cold!

feel cold

▪ He woke up in the middle of the night feeling cold.

look cold

▪ Come and sit by the fire. You look cold.

▷ freezing also frozen British /ˈfriːzɪŋ, ˈfrəʊz ə n/ [adjective not before noun] spoken

feeling very cold and uncomfortable :

▪ How much longer do we have to wait out her? I’m freezing.

▪ You look absolutely frozen.

▷ shiver /ˈʃɪvəʳ/ [intransitive verb]

to shake a little because you are cold :

▪ I was shivering in my thin sleeping bag.

shiver with cold

▪ They were forced to wait outside for hours, shivering with cold.

shiver [countable noun]

▪ A shiver of cold ran through him when he stepped outside.

▷ be blue with cold /biː ˌbluː wɪð ˈkəʊld/ [verb phrase]

to be so cold that your skin turns slightly blue :

▪ He was huddled into his coat, his face blue with cold.

▪ Look at her. The poor girl’s quite blue with cold.

▷ have goosepimples British /have goosebumps American /hæv ˈguːsˌpɪmp ə lz, hæv ˈguːsbʌmps/ [plural noun]

to have small raised areas on your skin because you are cold :

▪ She was shivering, her arms and legs covered in goosepimples.

▪ Why don’t you put something else on? You’ve got goosebumps.

▷ somebody’s teeth are chattering / somebodyˈs ˈtiːθ ɑːʳ ˌtʃætərɪŋ/

if your teeth are chattering you are so cold that your teeth keep knocking together and you cannot stop them :

▪ Her teeth were chattering with cold.

5. place/room

▷ cold /kəʊld/ [adjective]

▪ I love being in a warm bed in a cold room.

▪ He waited an hour for the train on a cold platform.

it’s cold

▪ Why is it always so cold in here?

▷ cool /kuːl/ [adjective]

cold in a pleasant way, especially when the weather is hot :

▪ Medicine should always be stored in a cool place.

it’s cool

▪ It’s much cooler over here in the shade.

▷ chilly /ˈtʃɪli/ [adjective]

a little too cold for you to feel comfortable :

▪ They have to get washed and dressed in a chilly bathroom.

it’s chilly

▪ It’s chilly in the house, even when it’s sunny outside.

▷ draughty British /drafty American /ˈdrɑːftiǁˈdræf-/ [adjective]

a room that is draughty has cold air blowing into it from outside :

▪ The two women live in a drafty old farmhouse.

it’s draughty/drafty

▪ It’s so draughty in here. Is there a window open?

▷ freezing /ˈfriːzɪŋ/ [adjective]

extremely cold, so that you feel very uncomfortable :

▪ The little children sat in rows in the freezing classroom.

it’s freezing

▪ It’s absolutely freezing in the basement.

6. liquid/object/surface

▷ cold /kəʊld/ [adjective]

having a low temperature :

▪ I wanted to swim, but the water was too cold.

▪ a cold stone floor

▷ freezing /ˈfriːzɪŋ/ [adjective]

extremely cold :

▪ His friends pulled him from the freezing water.

freezing cold

▪ The river is freezing cold this time of year.

▷ cool /kuːl/ [adjective]

pleasantly cold but not very cold :

▪ Ruth put her cool hand on my burning forehead.

▪ I slid into bed between cool white sheets.

7. food/drink

▷ cold /kəʊld/ [adjective]

▪ I want something cold like an ice cream bar.

▪ Most white wine tastes best when served very cold.

▷ cold /kəʊld/ [adjective]

cooked food that is cold is cooked but no longer hot :

▪ They provided a selection of cold meats.

▪ You can serve the quiche hot or cold.

get cold/go cold

▪ Come eat your dinner before it gets cold.

stone cold

completely cold

▪ By the time I got off the phone, my coffee was stone cold.

▷ cool /kuːl/ [adjective]

pleasantly cold to eat or drink but not very cold :

▪ Can I interest you in a nice, cool drink?

▪ Summer is the time for cool, refreshing fruit salads.

▷ chilled /tʃɪld/ [adjective]

food and drinks that are chilled have been made very cold, especially by putting them on ice :

▪ a bottle of chilled champagne

▷ ice-cold /ˌaɪs ˈkəʊld◂/ [adjective]

ice-cold drinks have been made extremely cold so that they are pleasant to drink, especially when you are very hot :

▪ The kids were rewarded with ice-cold lemonade.

▪ I could do with an ice-cold beer.

▷ frozen /ˈfrəʊz ə n/ [adjective]

frozen food is stored at a very low temperature so that it freezes and can be kept for a long time :

▪ frozen vegetables

▪ All I had in the freezer was a couple of frozen pizzas.

8. to make food and drink cold

▷ cool /kuːl/ [transitive verb]

to make food cold when it has been hot or warm :

▪ Blow on the soup first to cool it.

▪ Cool the jam by stirring it before putting it into jars.

▷ chill /tʃɪl/ [transitive verb]

to make food or drink very cold, without freezing it :

▪ Chill the salad for an hour or two before serving.

▪ Put some ice in the sink, and we’ll chill the drinks in there.

▷ freeze /friːz/ [transitive verb]

to make something extremely cold so that it freezes, in order to preserve it for a long time :

▪ You can make a big batch and freeze some of it for later.

▪ Don’t freeze the rolls for longer than three weeks.

▷ refrigerate /rɪˈfrɪdʒəreɪt/ [transitive verb]

to put food or drink in a refrigerator in order to keep it cold and fresh :

▪ Cover the bowl and refrigerate the dough overnight.

▪ Poultry, fish, and seafood should be kept refrigerated.

9. to get cold or colder

▷ get cold/colder /get ˈkəʊld, ˈkəʊldəʳ/ [verb phrase]

▪ It’s getting colder - I guess winter’s on its way.

▪ Hey, John, your soup’s getting cold.

▷ turn cold/colder /ˌtɜːʳn ˈkəʊld, ˈkəʊldəʳ/ [verb phrase]

if the weather or the wind turns cold or colder, it becomes much colder, usually suddenly :

▪ I need to finish fixing the roof before the weather turns cold.

▪ The wind had turned cold and Billy took off his coat and gave it to the girl.

▷ drop/fall /drɒpǁdrɑːp, fɔːl/ [intransitive verb]

if the temperature drops or falls it becomes colder, often much colder in a short period of time :

▪ Fortunately the temperature never dropped low enough to freeze the pipes.

drop 10/20/30 etc degrees

▪ The temperature dropped 10 degrees during the night.

▷ cool down /ˌkuːl ˈdaʊn/ [intransitive phrasal verb]

if something cools down, it becomes colder after being hot :

▪ It’s been hot all summer, but it’s finally starting to cool down a little.

▪ If the engine overheats, switch it off and do not start it again until it has cooled down.

▷ cool /kuːl/ [intransitive verb]

if hot food or some other hot substance cools, it becomes colder :

▪ She took the cake out of the oven and left it on the kitchen table to cool.

▪ Most liquids contract steadily as they cool.

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