Meaning of STRIKE in English

I. ˈstrīk verb

( struck ˈstrək ; struck “ ; also strick·en ˈstrikən ; striking ˈstrīkiŋ ; strikes )

Etymology: Middle English striken, from Old English strīcan; akin to Old Frisian strīka to pass over lightly, smooth, stroke, go, proceed, Middle Low German strīken, Old High German strīhhan, to pass over lightly, smooth, stroke, go, Latin stria furrow, channel, striga row, furrow, swath, stringere to touch lightly, graze, Old Prussian strigli thistle, Old Slavic strišti to shear, cut; basic meaning: to stroke

intransitive verb

1. : to take a course : proceed , go

struck into the woods and walked home along the … river — Jean Stafford

you must strike east from here — T.B.Costain

struck off through the jungle on a trail along the foothills — H.L.Merillat

the road … struck down into the sand hills — H.L.Davis


a. : to deliver or aim a stroke, blow, or thrust : hit

strike while the iron is hot

strike at the dog with a stick

strike at the nail with a hammer

a rattlesnake ready to strike

the hurricane struck … with the force of a battering ram — H.A.Chippendale

the lightning struck again

if trouble strikes

a shortage of nurses when the epidemic struck

b. : to cast a stone in curling so as to hit and remove another from play

c. : to make a stroke with an oar


a. : to come into contact or collision

struck against the stove as she fell

b. of a ship : to run aground : strand

c. of light : fall

the sunbeam struck full on his face

d. of a sound : to become audible

hark! a deep sound strikes like a rising knell — Lord Byron

e. of oyster spat : to become fixed to something

f. of a hound : to find the scent of the quarry

4. : to delete, efface, or cancel something with or as if with a stroke of the pen

a motion to strike on the ground that there was no corroboration — R.B.Keech

5. : to lower a flag usually as a sign of surrender

pull alongside of the frigate to ascertain if she had struck — Frederick Marryat

6. : to attempt to bring about destruction, defeat, or overthrow as if by a blow or stroke

had struck at the very heart of his faith — Mary Deasy

ideas that strike at the foundation of democracy


a. : to come to be indicated by the sounding of a clock, bell, or chime

left the house just after six o'clock struck

b. : to make known the time of day by sounding

the clock struck as he entered the room

8. obsolete : to cause suffering or pain

this sorrow's heavenly; it strikes where it doth love — Shakespeare

9. : to go through a medium : pierce , penetrate

a chill was striking through her flesh to the marrow of her bones — Ellen Glasgow

an irresistible impulse to strike nearer the heart of the truth — R.B.West

10. obsolete : steal , rob


a. : to engage in battle : fight

exhorting the multitude to strike for freedom — W.C.Taylor

b. : to make a military attack

fast vessels which could strike and get away — W.P.Webb

bombers struck at the munitions factories

12. : pulsate , throb

his heart struck heavily when the house was visible — George Meredith


a. : to produce fire with flint and steel

strike on the tinder … give me a taper — Shakespeare

b. : to become ignited

the match wouldn't strike

14. : to come suddenly or unexpectedly : light

struck on a new plan to solve the problem


a. : to pull on a fishing rod in order to set the hook in the mouth of a fish

b. of a fish : to seize the bait

16. : to move quickly : dart , shoot

has tossed a sheet of paper into the fire and seen it … strike to flame — George Meredith


a. of a plant cutting : to take root

b. of a seed : germinate

18. : to make an impression

what strikes at a first reading — Times Literary Supplement

would strike on pure minds with a force like mathematical demonstration — John Keble

19. : to engage in a temporary stoppage of work in order to bring about compliance with demands made on an employer

voted to strike for higher wages


a. : to take effect in the process of curing

the salt has struck

b. : to cause a color to sink in (as in a glass coated with a composition and reheated) : become set

21. : to make a sudden beginning : launch

the orchestra struck into another waltz

22. : to thrust oneself forward often in a sudden, unexpected, or vigorous manner

sees no brawl but he must strike into the midst of it — Sir Walter Scott

23. : to act or serve as the orderly of a military officer

24. : to form an arc (as between the two carbons of an electric arc)

25. : to have a geological strike

26. : to make a determined effort : work diligently : strive

as a boy … he had decided to strike for a commission in the Royal Navy — J.A.Michener

overborne by a sense of futility in striking for what seems unattainable — W.P.Webb

transitive verb


a. : to deliver a stroke, blow, or thrust at : hit

strike the boy with the back of the hand

strike the dog with a stick

a deer struck by an arrow

strike the whale with a harpoon

a hurricane struck the town

a house struck by lightning

their herds are struck by an epidemic — Wilfred Thesiger

this rise in living costs … strikes especially the poorer people of the country — P.E.James


(1) : to drive or remove with or as if with a blow

struck the knife from his hand

(2) : to remove or separate by or as if by cutting

struck a branch from the tree


(1) of a bird of prey : to attack and sink the talons into

(2) of a snake : to sink the fangs into

d. : to deliver or deal by or as if by some bodily action : inflict

who would be free, themselves must strike the blow — Lord Byron

e. : to produce by or as if by a blow or stroke

waving wide her myrtle wand she strikes a universal peace — John Milton



(1) : to haul down (as a sail)

(2) : to lower (as a flag) usually as a sign of surrender

made the ship — maybe with the aid of a ball across her bows — strike her colors — Eva M. Tappan

(3) : to lower (as a cargo) into a ship's hold — usually used with down

b. : to dismantle and take away

strike a stage set


(1) : to take down (a tent)

shall be glad to help you strike the tent — David Walker

(2) : to take down the tents of (a camp)

were to strike camp at sunrise — Irving Stone

d. : to lower gradually (an arch or vault centering) so as to permit the arch or vault to reach safely its final state of equilibrium


a. : to bring suffering or death to as if with a blow

heavily the hand of the Lord had stricken him — John Bruce

b. : to afflict suddenly : lay low

was stricken with the bends — P.J.Costello

was struck down at the height of his young glory — Richard Pollock


a. : to engage in (a battle) : fight

b. : to make a military attack on

the planes returned safely after striking their targets

the first platoon struck the retreating enemy

5. : to delete, efface, or cancel with or as if with a stroke of the pen

struck this appropriation from the defense budget — Army-Navy-Air Force Journal

have struck out a few pages which are merely a newspaper abridgement of an address — O.W.Holmes †1935

struck down a … law requiring each state employe to take an oath — New York Times

demanded that the … professors be fired and the book stricken off the list — Green Peyton

not only suppress the book but have it struck out of the catalog — G.B.Shaw


a. : to penetrate in a sharp or painful manner : pierce

the news of the loss struck him to the heart

b. : to cause to penetrate

his voice struck a chill into the girl's heart — A. Conan Doyle

c. : to send down or out

trees that strike deep roots

7. obsolete

a. : to rub gently

strike his hand over the place and recover the leper — 2 Kings 5:11 (Authorized Version)

b. : to spread on a surface : smear

take of the blood and strike it on the two side posts — Exod. 12:7 (Authorized Version)


a. : to level (as a measure of grain) by scraping off with a strickle what is above the rim

b. : to smooth or form (as a mold in founding) with a strickle — often used with out or up

c. : to dress and smooth (a mortar joint between bricks or stones) with a trowel


a. : to indicate by sounding

the clock of the church … strikes the hours — Arnold Bennett

her ship's bell is now being used … for striking the end of the day — H.A.Chippendale

b. : to cause to sound the time

struck my repeater again and found that midnight was past — National Observer



(1) : to bring into forceful contact

struck his head on a rafter

strike the knee against the dashboard

(2) : to shake (hands) in confirmation of an agreement

let us strike hands upon the bargain — Jane Austen

(3) : to thrust suddenly

struck the spurs in his horse and galloped away — Irving Bacheller

b. : to come into contact or collision with

the car skidded and struck a tree

a ship strikes the reef

struck the table as he fell

the hissing sound of the rain as it struck the river's surface — J.C.Powys

c. of light : to fall on

the sun strikes him full in the face

d. of a sound : to become audible to

nor shout nor whistle strikes his ear — William Wordsworth

e. of a hound : to find the scent of (the quarry)


a. : to cause to fall into a specified mental or emotional state

at this they were all … struck into their dumps — John Bunyan


(1) : to cause to be affected with a strong emotion

a sight that struck them with horror

(2) : to cause (a strong emotion) to fall suddenly or enter

eyes that strike terror into junior clerks — Constance Foley

c. archaic : depress , shock

this struck … the enthusiasts of the King's side as much as it exalted the Scots — Gilbert Burnet

d. : to cause to become as a result of or as if of a sudden blow

a stray bullet struck the man dead — Horace Sutton

was reportedly struck dumb with stage fright — Current Biography


a. : to cast (as candles) in a mold

b. : to convert (metal) into coins : mint


(1) : to produce by stamping with a die or punch

strike a medal

(2) : to hit with a die or punch

wanted coins that were sharply struck — Numismatist

d. : to cause (a hot tool or die) to make an impression in bookbinding


(1) : to produce (as a bank note) by imprinting : print

(2) : stamp

strike a handstamp

f. obsolete : to imprint on the mind

those beauties which strike a sort of melancholy — Earl of Shaftesbury †1713


a. : to produce (as fire) by or as if by the percussion of flint and steel

could not be unaware that my remarks did not strike fire — R.M.Lovett

b. : to cause to ignite by friction

would have to strike a match every now and then to read the compass — William Faulkner

14. : to make and ratify the terms of

in this informal way the bargain is struck — W.T.C.King


a. : to play by strokes on the keys or strings

strikes the golden lyre — Alexander Pope

b. : to produce by or as if by playing a musical instrument

strike a few chords on the piano

he and his companions struck a discordant note in this firelit room — John Buchan

16. obsolete : steal , rob


a. : to mark (as land) by plowing once up and down the field — often used with off

b. : to mark out (as a line) usually with a compass or chalk line : draw


a. : to hook (a fish) by means of a sharp pull on the line

rely on speed, not strength, when striking your trout — Field & Stream

b. of a fish : to snatch at (the bait) : seize

19. obsolete : broach 3a



(1) : to come into the mind of : occur to

it strikes me he has moved too far too fast — Irving Kolodin

the oddity of the premature thanksgiving struck them both and they laughed — Israel Zangwill

(2) : to appear to the judgment of : impress

always struck strangers that way until the novelty wore off — J.P.Marquand

no wonder they strike us as silent — Thornton Wilder

the young always strike her as infinitely funny — G.W.Brace

b. : to make a strong impression on : appear remarkable to

a spectacle … calculated to strike a highly cultivated, a reflecting, an imaginative mind — T.B.Macaulay

the name seemed to strike them all — Jane Austen

what struck me was that he told me very little that I cared to hear — O.W.Holmes †1935

the first thing that struck me was the blue of the sky — Sam Pollock

c. : to catch and hold

strikes the attention and focuses the fugitive experience onto itself — Hunter Mead

has painted the things that have struck her eye — Newsweek


a. : to transform by or as if by magic

b. : bewitch


a. : to precipitate (a dye) by a mordant

b. : to cause (a dye) to be adsorbed on an inert carrier in making an organic pigment

23. : to select the members of (a jury) : form

24. : to reach with a sounding line

strike soundings

25. : to arrive at by the balancing, counterposing, or canceling out of opposing elements or considerations : achieve by or as if by computation or calculation

strike the optimum balance between secrecy and openness — J.G.Palfrey

for the time being a compromise has been struck — C.J.Friedrich

strike an average

strike a mean

26. : to make a request or demand of

gaze at him and strike him for his autograph — Mark Twain

27. : to smooth and stretch (as skins) while wet in leather manufacturing — often used with out

28. : to cause to become impregnated with salt in the process of curing

29. : to lade (as a liquor) into a cooler



(1) : to reach in the course of traveling : come to

struck the main road after a short drive

an easterly route that eventually strikes the river

(2) : to succeed in reaching : attain

after an unpromising beginning he finally struck his stride as a concert pianist


(1) : to come upon in or as if in the course of traveling : run across

the most unpractical person I ever struck — Sheila Kaye-Smith

the best sea story I have struck in years — H.J.Laski

(2) : to come across in the course of prospecting or drilling : discover

this peasant … had the luck to strike water — Norman Douglas

strike oil


a. : to engage in a temporary stoppage of (work) in order to bring about compliance with demands made on an employer


(1) : to engage in a strike against (an employer)

(2) : to suspend or cripple the operation of (as a factory) by engaging in a strike

32. : to assume temporarily : take on

striking what appeared to them to be most belligerent attitudes — Thomas Barbour

strike a pose


a. : to place (a plant cutting) in a medium for growth and the development of roots

less than 10 percent of the cuttings struck in sand finally rooted

b. : to propagate (a plant) especially by means of cuttings

34. : to make one's way by taking : proceed along

struck their path across the fields — Algernon Gissing

35. : to cause (an arc) to form (as between the carbon electrodes of an arc lamp)

36. : to form a thin preliminary deposit on (an article in an electroplating bath) at a rapid rate preliminary to a longer and slower deposition

37. of an insect : to oviposit on


strike , hit , smite , punch , slug , slog , swat , clout , slap , cuff , box : of this group, all of which indicate the coming or bringing into contact with or as if with a sharp blow, strike , hit , and smite are the more general terms. strike , the most general of the words, may indicate the motion of aiming or dealing the blow, the motion prior to contact with the hand, fist, instrument, weapon, or missile

strike at the enemy and miss

strike out at random

It may indicate various types of contact from a light, often stroking contact

the light breeze struck the ship on the north side

to a forcible collision or blasting contact

the car struck a post and overturned

the lightning struck the house

strike a man down with a heavy blow

the enemy struck with full force

It may suggest several types of physical or emotional effect or impression

strike someone dead

strike a line on paper

strike out a name from a list

to be struck by the beauty of the scenery

grief- stricken

conscience- stricken

or it may be used to indicate any of the types of contact suggested by any of the other words in this group. hit , although it is used in most of the situations in which strike occurs, emphasizes more than strike the physical or figurative contact with or impact upon an object, usually something aimed at; it usu., though not necessarily, stresses forcefulness

hit a child on the wrist

the shell hit the tank and tore through the side

the depression hit hard all elements of society

hit the right road home

hit the winning number in a lottery

smite , largely a rhetorical or book word, usually stresses the injuriousness or destructiveness of the contact and often suggests a motivation of anger or desire for vengeance

with the hammer she smote Sisera, she smote off his head — Judg 5:26 (Authorized Version)

conscience- smitten

disease- smitten

smitten with grief or love

punch , slug , slog , swat , and clout are generally used to suggest the giving of various kinds of usually sharp or heavy blows. punch suggests a quick blow with or as if with the fist

would handcuff everybody rather than face the risk of having their noses punched by somebody — G.B.Shaw

slug emphasizes the heaviness of the impact and usually suggests a certain viciousness in the delivery of the blow

was attacked by an assault suspect, who slugged him with a 5-ft. iron pipe — Time

slog emphasizes the heavy, usually haphazard quality of the blows

the two fighters were so tired they merely slogged rather than hit each other with clean, precise blows

swat suggests a forceful, slapping blow, usually with such an instrument as a bat, weapon, or flyswatter

in off moments he would swat the regiment of cockroaches — Paul de Kruif

swat flies

swat a baseball out of the ball park

clout suggests a heavy careless blow usually with the hand or fist

a shoe clouted his skull and inflicted a fracture — Hugh McCrae

they clout our heads the moment our conclusions differ from theirs — G.B.Shaw

slap , cuff , and box all suggest blows of varying force with the open hand. slap is the most general and indicates a sharp, usually stinging blow with or as if with the palm of the hand

slap a person in the face

slapped the coverlet angrily — Kenneth Roberts

cuff suggests a blow often forcible enough to dizzy or throw off balance and often dealt with the back of the hand

it was pointed out … that children could be hurried and delayed, cuffed and bribed, into becoming adults — Margaret Mead

box suggests the delivery of an openhanded blow but is usually limited to one against the ears

the mother boxed her child's ears in a fit of temper

Synonym: see in addition affect .

- strike a docket

II. noun

( -s )

Etymology: Middle English strik, strike, from striken, v.

1. archaic : a bunch of hackled flax, jute, or hemp prepared for drawing into slivers

2. dialect chiefly England : a dry measure varying from two pecks to four bushels


a. : a strickle for leveling a surface by striking off superfluous material or for striking up a mold in founding

b. : a broad smooth stick for removing superfluous clay in molding bricks

4. : an act or instance of striking

the strike of a rattlesnake

the strike of the clock


a. : the unit quantity of malt used in making ale or beer

b. : excellence or strength of ale or beer

three hogsheads of ale of the first strike — Sir Walter Scott


a. : the impression on a coin, token, or medal made by a die or punch


(1) : the impression on a stamp made by a printing plate

(2) : the impression on a stamp made by a handstamp


a. : a temporary stoppage of work by a body of workers designed to enforce compliance with demands (as changes in wages, hours, or working conditions) made on an employer — compare lockout , stay-in strike

b. : a temporary stoppage of normal operations and activities designed as a protest against an action or condition

a buyers' strike

hunger strike


a. : the direction of the line of intersection of a horizontal plane with an uptilted bedding plane, vein, fault, slaty cleavage, schistosity, or similar geological structure


(1) : the trend of a linear geological feature or structure

(2) : the orientation of a tabular particle in a sediment or rock


a. : a pull on a fishing rod designed to set the hook in the mouth of a fish

b. : a pull on a line made by a fish in taking the bait

10. : the mass of moist sugar crystals left in a pan after a boiling in the manufacture of sugar

11. : a sudden or unexpected stroke of good luck ; especially : a sudden discovery of oil or of a rich vein of ore

made a lucky strike and in three months had realized a considerable fortune — H.W.H.Knott


a. : a pitched ball (as in baseball) recorded against a batter

it's one-two-three strikes, you're out at the old ball game — Jack Norworth

(1) : a pitch at which a batter swings and misses

(2) : a pitch passing through the strike zone at which a batter does not swing

(3) : a foul bunt not caught on the fly

(4) : a foul ball hit with less than two strikes on the batter and not caught on the fly

(5) : a foul tip caught by the catcher before it hits the ground

b. : a disadvantage that makes achievement difficult : handicap

his racial background was a second strike against him — K.D.Miller

13. : an act or instance of knocking down all the bowling pins with the first ball of a frame — compare spare

14. : a piece of copper that carries an impression driven into it by a typefounder's punch and that after hand finishing becomes a matrix for forming the face of type


a. : an act of obtaining or attempting to obtain money by importunity, threat, or blackmail

b. or strike bill : a legislative bill designed to be harmful to a person or corporation if enacted into law and introduced in order to obtain a bribe for its withdrawal

16. : a striking mechanism (as for a clock)


a. : a part of a lock designed to be struck by another part

b. : a part of a lock that prevents a retracted bolt from shooting forward

c. : a metal fastening on a doorframe into which the bolt of a lock is projected in order to secure the door

18. : establishment of roots and plant growth (as by rooting of cuttings or germination of seeds)

an excellent strike of oats

had a 70 percent strike on his cuttings


a. : a thin initial electrodeposit

b. : an electrolyte used in making such a deposit


a. : cutaneous myiasis of sheep : fly-strike

body strike

tail strike

blowfly strike

— compare mules operation

b. : struck 2


a. : a military attack ; especially : an air attack on a single objective

air strikes on the more important road junctions — Infantry Journal

b. : a group of airplanes taking part in such an attack

in the afternoon a second strike was flown off — Fletcher Pratt

22. : the amount of dye absorbed by the fiber but not diffused through it in the first brief period of dyeing

23. : the act or process of dismantling a stage set

24. : an individual unit of a design on china or other dinnerware in the decalcomania process

III. noun

: a perfectly thrown ball

fired a strike to first base

Webster's New International English Dictionary.      Новый международный словарь английского языка Webster.