Англо-русский перевод PART

1. элемент 2. деталь; узел 3. часть; доля 4. расходиться (об обсадной колонне) to part the casing — отделять верхнюю часть обсадной колонны от нижней (в скважине) - accepted part - advanced part - approved part - assembly defective part - bad part - basal parts of dome - broken part - catalog part - certified part - changeable part - common parts - component part - conforming part - critical part - dated part - degraded part - detail part - deviated part - discrepant part - duplicated part - established reliability part - excluded part - failed part - failure-prone part - faulty part - field-replaceable part - fixed part - higher part of - high-mortality part - high-reliability part - high-risk part - high-wear part - inner part of fold - interchangeable parts - known reliability part - less-than-perfect part - limited-life part - long-lived part - lower part of formation - low-reliability part - malfunctioning part - marginal part - marginally operation part - mortality part - most reliable part - nonconforming part - noncritical part - nondefective part - nonfailed part - nonstandard part - normalized part - offending part - off-the-shelf part - outer part of fold - out-of-specification part - rapidly wearing part - rejected part - reliable part - repair part - repair parts - repaired part - shop replaceable part - standard part - substandard part - tapered part of pipe - troublesome part - tubular part - ultrareliable part - unified part - unitized part - unreliable part - upper part of formation - usable part - vulnerable part - weak part - wear-resistant part - zero-reliability part

ВНИИГАЗ, РАО ГАЗПРОМ. Big English-Russian dictionary of oil and gas.      Большой Англо-Русский словарь по нефти и газу.