Англо-русский перевод PART

1) часть; доля || распадаться на части; разделять, разделяться

2) деталь; часть ( изделия ) ; элемент; компонент; сегмент || детализировать

3) раздел ( напр. программного обеспечения )

part in a million — миллионная часть

part per million — миллионная часть

part to be checked — проверяемая деталь

part to be inspected — контролируемая деталь

to build around an actual part — изготавливать ( напр. приспособление ) применительно к обрабатываемой детали

to go from print to part — разрабатывать технологию обработки детали

to handle parts randomly — загружать детали, загружать обрабатываемые детали ( на станок ) в произвольной последовательности

to locate parts — определять местоположение деталей

to part off — отрезать

to switch from one part to another — переключаться с обработки одной детали на другую

part with zero defects — деталь без дефектов

- egg-box palletized part

- 2D part

- 3D part

- accepted part

- accessible moving parts

- active gas parts

- active part of cutting tool

- active part

- actuated part

- address part

- aspheric part

- aspherical part

- assembled part

- assembly base part

- associated part

- axially symmetrical part

- baffled-off part

- bar part

- bar-coded part

- basic part

- blank part

- body part

- bottom-most part

- bought-out parts

- box-like part

- box-shaped part

- box-type part

- candidate part

- case-type part

- catapulting part

- ceramic-machined part

- ceramic-turned part

- certified part

- change part

- chuck part

- chucked part

- chucking part

- circular part

- clamped part

- close tolerance part

- common parts

- completed part

- complex geometry part

- complex part

- component part

- conductive part

- constituent part

- consumable part

- contoured part

- conveyorized part

- current part

- curved part

- cutting part

- defective part

- detail part

- die-cast part

- disoriented part

- duplicate part

- end part

- exceptional parts

- exposed rotating machine parts

- extension part

- fabricated part

- facing part

- facsimile part

- failed part

- family part

- family-related part

- fast-revolving part

- faulty part

- figurine part

- figurine-shaped part

- filler part

- finish turned part

- finished part

- finishing part

- first-off piece part

- first-run part

- fixed part of the machine

- flat bar part

- flat-pattern parts

- FMS rotational part

- fractional part

- functioning part

- green part

- half-done part

- half-machined part

- hand-fed part

- hard part

- HBM-type parts

- hemispherical part

- high value-added part

- high-load part

- high-precision part

- high-production parts

- high-volume parts

- incoming part

- injection-molded part

- in-process part

- integral part

- integral-rib part

- integrated part

- interchangeable part

- in-tolerance part

- labor-intensive part

- lathe-turned part

- live parts

- long-run parts

- loose part

- low value-added part

- low-mix parts

- low-volume parts

- machined part

- machinery parts

- main journal part

- male die part

- mass production parts

- master part

- master threaded part

- mating parts

- medium-run parts

- medium-volume parts

- microsized part

- mid-volume parts

- minor part

- moving part

- multiple parts

- multiple-diameter part

- multiple-operation part

- NC-machined part

- near-net-shape part

- necked part

- net shape part

- nonconforming parts

- non-FMS part

- nonproductive parts of the cycle

- nonrecurring parts

- nonrotational part

- nonservice part

- numerical part of identity

- odd parts

- odd-shaped part

- offending part

- off-gage part

- off-queue part

- off-the-shelf part

- one-of-a-kind parts

- one-off parts

- on-queue part

- open tolerance part

- operative parts

- option part

- out-of-spec part

- out-of-tolerance part

- pallet-fixtured part

- palletized part

- partially completed part

- part-machined part

- passive part

- piece part

- pin journal part

- pliable part

- PM part

- powder metal part

- powder part

- precision part

- precision-machined part

- prismatic part

- processed part

- production part

- program part

- projected part

- proof part

- prototype part

- quality part

- quality-checked part

- randomly fabricating parts

- randomly sequenced parts

- rapidly wearing part

- raw part

- raw primary part

- reference part

- related parts

- removable parts

- repair part

- replacement part

- representative part

- revolving part

- rotary part

- routing part

- rubbing part

- sample part

- scored part

- semicompleted part

- semifinished part

- service parts

- shaft part

- shaped part

- shaping part

- short-run parts

- short-run time parts

- single-diameter part

- sizing part

- slender part

- small-envelope part

- snap-in part

- software part

- spare part

- stack-machined parts

- stack-routed parts

- stationary part

- stepped part

- stereolithography part

- stress-relieved part

- structural part

- substandard part

- tapered part

- test part

- threaded part

- tool cutting part

- top quality part

- transmission parts

- turned part

- ultra-high-precision part

- ultra-precision part

- unworked part

- wearing parts

- wire-frame CAD parts

- work part

- working part of cutting tool


English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation 2.      Англо-Русский словарь по машиностроению и автоматизации производства 2.