Англо-русский перевод MODEL

1) модель; образец || моделировать; создавать по образцу

2) схема ( расчётная или эквивалентная )

3) метал. шаблон

4) метал. реплика

5) слепок; лепнина || лепить

6) форма || формовать

7) образец ( одежды )

- abstract model

- advection model

- ageostrophic model

- analog model

- analytical model

- atmospheric dispersion model

- atomic model

- band model

- barotropic model

- behavioral model

- biochemical cycling model

- bottom-end model

- bowl model

- Bragg bubble model

- breadboard model

- bulk-freezing model

- cammed model

- car model

- channel operation model

- cognitive model

- computational model

- computation model

- computer model

- conceptual model

- console model

- consulting model

- coupled air/ocean model

- damage model

- data model

- dead-reckoned model

- decoupled model

- deformation model

- descriptive model

- design model

- deterministic model

- device model

- directional numerical model

- discrete model

- dislocation model of twinning

- dynamic model

- dynamical electrical cloud model

- electric model

- energy supply model

- energy-balance model

- entry-level model

- equilibrium slip model

- experimental model

- external-reference model

- fault model

- fine-mesh model

- finite element model

- fixed-bed model

- flat Earth model

- FMS model

- frozen state model

- full-scale model

- functional model

- general circulation model

- geochemical cycling model

- geostatistical orebody model

- graphics model

- graphic model

- gross-level model

- group model

- heuristic model

- high-end model

- highly parameterized model

- homogeneous equilibrium model

- horizontal model

- hydraulic scale model

- hydrological cycling model

- hypothesize model

- image model

- inviscid atmospheric model

- ionospheric model

- irregular-grid model

- jazz model

- large-scale model

- large-signal device model

- Leontief's model

- Leontief model

- limited-area model

- linear model

- linearized model

- long-range transport model

- low-end model

- low-volume model

- lucky-electron model

- macrolevel model

- master die model

- master model

- mathematical model

- mesogrid model

- meteorologically validated model

- microlevel model

- mine model

- model of computation

- movable nested-mesh model

- multiasperity model

- n-equation flow model

- nested-mesh model

- network model

- noise model

- orthogonal flute model

- photoelastic model

- pilot model

- plotting model

- point model

- prediction model

- predictive model

- preproduction model

- primitive equation model

- probabilistic model

- probability model

- projective model

- propagation model

- prototype model

- quasi-linear model

- quasi-solenoidal model

- radiative-convective model

- rain-out model

- reference model

- relational model

- relative model

- reliability model

- research model

- river-basin simulation model

- sampled-data model

- scaled model

- scale model

- sediment movement model

- self-correcting model

- semiscale model

- simulation model

- skeleton model

- slip model

- small-signal device model

- software model

- space-independent model

- spectral model

- spectral transform model

- spherical Earth model

- stability model

- state-space model

- statistical model

- steady-state model

- stochastic model

- stochastic sequential model

- subsynoptic model

- symbolic-form model

- table model

- test model

- thermal model

- time-averaged model

- time-invariant model

- time-varying model

- traffic model

- transistor model

- tribometric model

- two-dimensional model

- two-fluid model

- urn model

- vertical model

- vertically exaggerated model

- water allocation model

- water management model

- water system operation model

- wave spectral model

- weather-dependent yield model

- wire model

- wireframe model

- world model

Big English-Russian polytechnic dictionary .      Большой Англо-Русский политехнический словарь.