Англо-русский перевод MODEL

1) модель; модификация

2) модель (образец; уменьшенная, упрощенная копия )

3) модель (абстрактная схема; концепция ) - ANOVA model - E/R model - MILP model - Monte-Carlo model - OSI reference model - abstract model - adaptive model - aggregated model - algoristic-type model - allocation model - analytical model - behavioral model - birth-death model - block-diagram model - business model - camera model - capability maturity model - causal model - client-component model - client-server model - client/server model - cognitive model - computer model - conceptual model - cost estimation model - cybernetic model - data model - decision-theoretic model - decision-tree model - descriptive model - design model - desk model - deterministic model - domain semantic model - domain model - dynamic programming model - econometric model - elemental-equivalent model - entity set model - entity-relationship model - estimation model - exhaustive fault model - exogenous priority model - external model - fault model - fault-effect model - finite element model - flow-oriented model - forecasting model - formal model - frame-based model - functional model - gaming model - gate-level model - generalized model - generic model - geometrical model - graph model - hardware model - hazard function model - hazard model - heuristic model - hierarchical model - iconographic model - internal model - layout model - linear programming model - many-server model - multiple model - multivariate model - network model - object model - pandemonium model - performance-based model - phenomenological model - pictorial model - pilot model - pin fault model - predictive model - preemptive model - preliminary model - preproduction model - priority model - probabilistic model - problem model - qualitative model - quantitative model - queueing model - real world model - relational model - relative model - reliability model - role-playing model - scaling model - security model - seven-layer model - shaded model - simplified model - simulation model - single-stuck fault model - singular model - software model - solid model - sophisticated model - state-space model - statistical model - stochastic model - stream of characters model - structural model - stuck-at model - suspect/monitor model - symbolic model - table model - task-network model - timing model - transformational model - typewriter model - vocal-tract model - waiting line model - waterfall model - wire-frame model - world model - model of calculation

English-Russian dictionary of computers .      Англо-Русский словарь по компьютерам.