- game in normal form
- game in reduced form
- game with feedback
- game with finite resources
- game with infinitely many strategies
- game with information lag
- game with misperceptions
- game without saddle point
- game with saddle point
- game of degree
- game of kind
- game of luck
- game of pure chance
- game of strategy
- game of survival
- game of timing
- attrition game
- auxiliary game
- bargaining game
- bluffing game
- business game
- competitive business game
- composite game
- constant sum game
- cooperative game
- decomposable game
- economic ruin game
- fair game
- management game
- multistage game
- nonconstant sum game
- noncooperative game
- nonzero sum game
- no-solution game
- one-person game
- one-player game
- perfect-information game
- reduced game
- separable game
- shopping game
- stock-market game
- strategically equivalent games
- truncated game
- variable-sum game
- zero-sum game