1. сущ. 1) возраст 2) срок жизни 3) эпоха 4) период 5) старость 6) демогр. поколение • - adult age - age at entry - age at expiry - age at the last birthday - age at the next birthday - age class - age group - age limit - age of consent - age of discretion - age of entry into insurance - age of majority - age of retirement - attained age - be of age - be under age - breeding age - childbearing age - come of age - dependent age - early retirement age - estimated age - extreme old age - fertile age - full age - giving age - juvenile age - legal age - limiting age - market age - marriage age - maternal age - maximum age - mean age - median age - middle age - migrating age - minimum age at marriage - modal age at death - normal age at death - old age - pensionable age - pivotal age - postchildbearing age - primary school age - productive age - propagative age - reproductive age - retirement age - school leaving age - school-going age - school age - secondary school age - weaning age - widowhood age - zero age Syn: period, epoch, hour, phase, horizon, span 2. гл. стареть, стариться
Англо-русский перевод AGE
English-Russian dictionary of economics. Англо-Русский словарь по экономике. 2001