Meaning of AGE in English



BAD : I'm at the age of 22.

GOOD : I'm 22 (years old).


be + NUMBER (+ years old ): 'David is almost twelve (years old).'


BAD : His age is about fifty-five years old.

GOOD : He's about fifty-five (years old).


Do not use age and years old together. The usual way of mentioning someone's age is simply be + NUMBER: 'She'll be sixteen next August.'


BAD : Soon you'll be of my age.

GOOD : Soon you'll be my age.

BAD : Although we are at the same age, we have different interests.

GOOD : Although we are the same age, we have different interests.


be my/your etc age : 'When I was your age, I was already going out to work.'

be the same age (as sb) : 'Most of my friends are the same age as me.'


BAD : In the age of 15, you are allowed to drive a car.

GOOD : At the age of 15, you are allowed to drive a car.


Phrases with age as their main word usually begin with at (NOT in ): 'Keeping fit is very important at your age.' 'Some girls get married at a very young age.' 'She is at the age when she wants to go to school.'


BAD : A child in the age of seven or eight needs a little push.

GOOD : A child of seven or eight needs a little push.

BAD : People in my age spend a lot of time in pubs.

GOOD : People of my age spend a lot of time in pubs.


noun + of + NUMBER: 'They have a little girl of three and a boy of five.'

noun + of + my/your etc age : 'He is very clever for a boy of his age.' 'A girl of her age needs someone to play with.'

Note the alternative with aged : 'A child aged seven or eight needs a little push.'


BAD : They have two children in the age of 8 and 12 years.

GOOD : They have two children aged 8 and 12.

GOOD : They have two children, 8 and 12 years of age.


When you mention two ages after a noun, use either of the following:

aged + NUMBER + and + NUMBER: 'two boys aged 12 and 14'

NUMBER + and + NUMBER + years of age : 'two boys, 12 and 14 years of age'.


BAD : These books are for children at the age of from 8 to 12 years.

GOOD : These books are for children aged 8 to 12.

GOOD : These books are for children between the ages of 8 and 12.


When you mention an age range after a noun, use either aged + NUMBER + to + NUMBER: 'suitable for children aged seven to eleven' or between the ages of + NUMBER + and + NUMBER: 'suitable for children between the ages of seven and eleven'.


See MIDDLE AGE (↑ middle age )

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