1. сущ. деревенский; сельский - agent in a foreign country - beneficiary country - competing country - country allocations - country branch - country groups - country of export destination - country of goods' origin - country of incorporation - country of issue - country of marketing - country of origin - country of residence - country risk - exporting country - foreign country - less developed country - member country - mother country 2. сущ. 1) страна 2) народ страны 3) родина, отечество 4) деревня; сельская местность - advanced capitalist country - back country - backward countries - British preference countries - country of destination - deficit country - dependent country - developing countries - donor country - economically developed country - giving country - independent country - member country - mother country - needy country - non-sterling countries - one-crop country - primary producing country - recipient country - silver standard country - surplus country - under-developed country - Warsaw Pact countries
Англо-русский перевод COUNTRY
English-Russian dictionary of economics. Англо-Русский словарь по экономике. 2001