[coun.try] n, pl countries [ME contree, fr. OF contree, fr. ML contrata, fr. L contra against, on the opposite side] (13c) 1: an indefinite usu. extended expanse of land: region
2. a: the land of a person's birth, residence, or citizenship b: a political state or nation or its territory 3 a: the people of a state or district: populace b: jury c: electorate 2
4: rural as distinguished from urban areas
5: country music -- coun.try.ish adj
[2]country adj (14c) 1: of, relating to, or characteristic of the country
2. a: of or relating to a decorative style associated with life in the country "an English ~ look"; also: possessing a style of rustic simplicity "~ furniture" b: prepared or processed with farm supplies and procedures "~ ham"
3: of, relating to, suitable for, or featuring country music "~ singers"