1. сущ. цена - above price - absolute prices - accounting price - acquisition price - actual price - additional price - adjusted price - adjustment in the price - administered prices - advance the price - advanced price - advertised price - advertising price - agree on the price - agreed price - all trade price - all-inclusive price - all-round price - american selling price - arrive at a price - ask and bid price - ask price - asked price - asking price - at a give-away price - at a high price - at a price of - at a price - at a set price - at any price - at the best price - at the price of - at the same price - attractive price - average price - base price - basic price - basis price - beat down prices - bed-rock price - best available price - best price - bid and ask price - bid and offered price - Bid Price - bid-and-ask price - blanket price - bond price - book price - bottom price - breakdown of price - bring down the price - buyer's price - calculated price - call price - cash price - cash price - cast-of-living prices - ceiling price - change in price - charge a high price - charge a price - clearing price - commodity prices - comparable prices - compete in price - compete on price - competitive price - confirm the price - Consumer Price Index - consumer prices - consumers' price - consumption price - contract price - conversion price - correction of price - cost and price difference - cost price - currency of a price - currency of price - current market price - current price - cut prices - cut the price - decontrolled prices - delivered price - delivery price - demand price - discount from the price - discount on a price , allowance off a price , price rebate - discounted price - distress prices - economic price - enhance the price - equilibrium market price of risk - equilibrium price - equitable price - establish a price - established price - estimated price - excessive price - exercise price - exorbitant price - expected price - export price - factor price - factory price - fair price - fair-return price - famine prices - farm prices - final price - firm price - fix a price - fixed price - fixing of price - fixing price - guiding function of price - highest price - in price responses - increase in price - inflated prices - initial price - Invoice price - issue price - job prices - justified price - keep up prices - knock-down prices - last price - limit price - list price - listed price - long price - low price - lower price - lowering price - lowest price - lumpsum price - lump-sum price - make a price - marked price - market-determined prices - maximum price - nominal price - obtainable price - offer a price - offer price - offer price - on a firm price basis - option price - original price - outside price - overall price - overhead price - parity price - pegged price - posted price - price adjustments - price administration - price analysis - price appreciation - price at maturity - price bid - price calculation - Price Ceiling - price change - price cutting - price determination - price development - price difference - price differentials - price discipline - price discount - price discounting - price discrimination - price earnings ratio - price elasticity of demand - price elasticity of supply - price evaluation - price fixing - price flexibility - price floor - price guidepost - price incentives - price index number - price leader - price leadership - price level base - price line - price list - price list - price normals - price paid - price planning - price plus - price point - price quotation - price quoted - price range - price reduction - price schedule - price stability - price structure - price support - price taker - price terms - price ticket - price to be fixed - price umbrella - price war - procurement price - prohibitive price - purchase price - purchasing price - quota purchase prices - quote a price - quote the price - quoted price - rational function of price - realize a price - reasonable price - reduce a price - reduced price - reduction in price - redumption price - relative price - release price - reserve price - retail price - revise a price - sale price - scarcity price - security prices - seller's price - selling price - set price - shop price - sink in price - slash prices - sliding-scale prices - socially optimal price - special price - spot price - statutory price - stock price - street prices - strong prices - tape prices - terminal prices - top prices - trade price - transfer price - two-way price - unsettled prices - upset price - wholesale price - wide prices - zonal price 2. гл. 1) назначить цену, оценивать 2) указывать цену (на товаре)
Англо-русский перевод PRICE
English-Russian dictionary of economics. Англо-Русский словарь по экономике. 2001