Synonyms and related words :
amends, amount, appraisal, appraise, asking price, assay, assess, atonement, bank rate, bearish prices, bid price, blood money, bonus, book value, bounty, bullish prices, call price, charge, closing price, compensation, compensatory interest, compound interest, consequence, consideration, cost, cost out, damages, dearness, decline, discount rate, equivalent odds, evaluate, evaluation, even break, even chance, exorbitant interest, expenditure, expense, extraordinary worth, face value, fair-trade, fee, figure, fixed price, flash price, flurry, flutter, good chance, great price, great value, gross interest, guerdon, high, honorarium, hundred-to-one shot, indemnification, indemnity, interest, interest rate, invaluableness, issue par, issue price, long odds, long shot, low, lucrative interest, market price, market value, meed, mortgage points, net interest, no chance, nominal value, odds, offering price, opening price, outlay, par, par value, parity, payment, penal interest, penal retribution, penalization, penalty, penance, preciousness, premium, price of money, price tag, priceless, pricelessness, prize, punishment, put price, quittance, quotation, quote a price, quoted price, rally, rate, rate of interest, recompense, redress, remuneration, reparation, requital, requitement, restitution, retribution, return, reward, sacrifice, salvage, satisfaction, settling price, short odds, simple interest, small chance, smart money, solatium, square odds, stated value, swings, tab, tariff, toll, usury, valorize, valuableness, valuate, valuation, value, wergild, worth