1) приговор (к наказанию); наказание (по приговору) | приговаривать (к наказанию) 2) редк. вердикт 3) решение церковного суда • sentence fixed by law — наказание, определённое в законе; sentence on the record — запротоколированный приговор; sentence passed on the person — приговор, вынесенный в отношении данного лица; to complete sentence — отбыть наказание; to give sentence — вынести приговор; назначить наказание; to sentence in absense [in absentia] — приговорить заочно; to sentence in respect of the offence — приговорить лицо к наказанию за данное преступление; to sentence long — приговорить к длительному сроку лишения свободы; to sentence on a technicality — вынести приговор на формально-юридическом основании; to pronounce sentence — вынести приговор; назначить наказание; to serve sentence — отбывать приговор, наказание; to sentence short — приговорить к краткому сроку лишения свободы; to sentence to community service — приговорить к безвозмездному обслуживанию общины; to sentence to death — приговорить к смертной казни; to sentence to life — приговорить к пожизненному тюремному заключению; to sentence to probation — приговорить к пробации; to sentence with probation — приговорить условно с отбытием пробации; under a sentence for a crime — по приговору за какое-л. преступление - accumulative sentences - accumulative sentence - actual sentence - alternative sentence - antitrust sentence - certain sentence - completed sentence - concurrent sentences - conditional sentence - consecutive sentences - consistent sentences - correctional sentence - criminal sentence - cumulative sentences - cumulative sentence - custodial sentence - death sentence - decretory sentence - definite sentence - definitive sentence - determinate sentence - deterrent sentence - discretional sentence - disproportionate sentence - enforced sentence - federal sentence - flexible sentence - harsh sentence - heavy sentence - illegal sentence - immutable sentence - imposed sentence - income tax sentence - increased sentence - indefinite sentence - indeterminate sentence - jail sentence - lawful sentence - legal sentence - lenient sentence - lesser sentence - life sentence - light sentence - longest possible sentence - mandatory sentence - maximum sentence - mild sentence - military sentence - minimum sentence - mixed sentence - moderate sentence - multiple sentences - non-custodial sentence - optional sentence - original sentence - penitentiary sentence - probationary sentence - probation sentence - reformatory sentence - sentence of attainder - sentence of death - sentence of probation - separate sentence - served sentence - shortest mandatory sentence - split sentence - state sentence - strongly deterrent sentence - suffered sentence - suspended sentence - tough sentence - uncertain sentence - wrongful sentence
Англо-русский перевод SENTENCE
Андрианов С.Н., Берсон А.С.. English-Russian law dictionary . Англо-Русский юридический словарь. 2003