Англо-русский перевод ERROR

1) ошибка; погрешность; отклонение 2) рассогласование; расхождение • error in parallelism — отклонение от параллельности error in percent — относительная погрешность; отклонение в процентах to recover from an error — восстанавливать работоспособность после отказа или сбоя - Abbe error - absolute error - absolute input error - absolute output error - acceptable error - accidental error - accumulated error - accumulative pitch error - additional error - adjacent pitch error - admissible error - alignment error - allowable error - appreciable error - assembly error - backlash error - base pitch error - basic error - bias error - calibration error - center distance error in machining - center distance error - centering error - chucking error - combined error - complementary error - component error - composite error of a worm gear - composite error - computer error - concentricity error - confidence error - conjugate error - connection error - conscious error - consistent error - constant error - contour error - control error - conventional error - coupling error - cumulative base pitch error - cumulative error of contact line - cumulative error - cumulative gear meshing error - cumulative pitch error of k pitches of a worm - cumulative pitch error of k pitches of the rack - cumulative pitch error - cyclic error of a gear - cyclic error - cylindricity error - data reduction error - datum error - dead-path error - display error - dividing error - dynamic error - error of a measuring instrument - error of approximation - error of division - error of function - error of locating - error of measurement - error of method - error of total length - experimental error - extreme error - fatigue-related error - flatness error - following error - form error - frictional error - gearing error - geometrical error - gimbal error - gross error - helical surface error - human error - inclination error - inconsistent error - independent error - indexing error - indication error - individual error - initial error - input error - instantaneous error - instrument error - instrumental error - intrinsic error - limiting error - linear error - linear meshing error - load screw error - loading error - long-wave error - long-wave measuring error - machine zero position error - manufacturing error - maximum composite error - maximum error - maximum out-off-position error in the teeth - maximum permissible error - mean error - mean probable error - meshing error - method error - mismatch error - mispositioning error - monitor error - motion related error - mounting distance error - mounting error - multiple error - noncyclic error - nonlinear error - nonperpendicular error - normal adjacent pitch error - normal individual base pitch error - normal tooth thickness error - observation error - observational error - one-to-one error - output error - overcutting error - overloading error - overspeed error - overwriting error - parallax error - parallelism error - parasitic error - partial error - parts-to-platen error - peak error - peak negative error - peak positive error - phase error - pitch error - platen-to-machine error - positional error - position-following error - positioning error - prediction-following error - probable error - profile error - program data error - program error - programming error - progressive error - quadrant error - radial composite error - random error - reader error - reconstruction error - reduced error - reducial error - reference mean error - reference-limiting error - relative error - relative input error - relative output error - relocation error - repeatable error - residual error - response error - response time error - resultant error - retroflectors rotational error - reversal error - right-angle error - rotational error - rounding error - roundoff error - running-in error - sampling error - scale error - screw-sizing error - semantic error - separation error - servo error - servo excess error - servo following error - setting error - setup error - shaft angle error - sharpening plane error - short-wave error - short-wave measuring error - single error - sizing error - slide position error - sliding error - slip-stick-type error - spacing error - static error - statistical error - steady-state error - storage error - stored error - straigthness error - substitution error - successive error of division - syntactic error - syntactical error - system error - systematic error - tangential composite error - tangential tooth-to-tooth composite error - thermal growth error - thermally induced errors - threshold error - tolerated error - tool-setting error - tooth profile error - tooth-meshing error - tooth-spacing error - tooth-to-tooth composite error single flank - total alignment error of tooth - total composite error single flank - total composite error - total cumulative pitch error - total error of distortion - total error - total instrument error - total measuring device error - total profile error - tracking error - transient error - transmission error - true error - trueness error - truncation error - tuning error - turning error - twist errors - velocity error - velocity transmission error - working error - zero error - zero following error

Воскобойников Б.С., Митрович В.Л.. English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation.      Англо-Русский словарь по машиностроению и автоматизации производства.