a computer error
The mistake was caused by a computer error.
a fundamental mistake/error
The government made at least one fundamental mistake when drawing up this legislation.
catalogue of errors
an appalling catalogue of errors
compass error
Their ship had sailed off course due to compass errors.
factual errors
The report contained a number of factual errors .
fatal mistake/error
Telling your employees they’re unimportant is a fatal error.
human error
Investigators concluded that the crash was caused by human error.
pilot error (= a mistake by the pilot )
The official report into the accident says that it was caused by pilot error .
tactical error/mistake/blunder (= a mistake that will harm your plans later )
Injury to official reputation affords no more warrant for repressing speech that would otherwise be free than does factual error .
There are some typographical and factual errors but these are minor blemishes.
The review is filled with inconsistencies and factual errors .
It had made the fatal error of overkill.
This determination then leads him into his fatal error .
It is a fatal error to assume that lowering the price makes an indifferent product saleable to a general market.
Surely everyone knows the fatal errors of all those isms.
The story of Britain's fighter development was more complex and was slowed by one fundamental error of scientific judgment.
Tax studies purporting to show that most capital gains tax is paid by higher-income individuals reflect a fundamental error .
He made the most fundamental error possible in tournament golf, signing a card containing a wrong score.
Those changes relate to fundamental errors and adjustments resulting from changes in accounting policies.
The critics are making a fundamental error in labelling this the start of a two-tier system.
Increasing tare without restricting routes a fundamental error .
However, by two grave tactical errors , they frittered away this supremacy without ever realising its value.
It would be a grave error to oversimplify any of these outcomes.
What sins, what meannesses, what grave errors I had committed in the previous ten years had been forgiven me.
He had committed a grave error in lending his approval, together with that of the Church he represented, to the Exhibition.
She had made - and with far less justification than her father - the same grave error as he.
He explained that we had made a grave error - it was Saturday afternoon.
But as we left the tarmac road and headed up the hill I made a grave error .
Here indeed, I thought, must lie some of those sins, meannesses and grave errors .
Once properly programmed, human error is almost entirely eradicated.
Given the climate, these places are vulnerable, and far too easily affected by the least human error or natural misfortune.
Some of the human errors can be reduced, especially in calculations. 3.
He told the story of what had occurred as if it were a natural phenomenon, not mechanical failing or human error .
Mis-matches between job requirements and people's capabilities provide for human error .
The crashes have been attributed to a variety of problems, from human error to software glitches to mechanical failure.
Automatic defrost is most desirable since it eliminates human error and is energy efficient.
At the same time, computers helped sustained the trading frenzy prompted by human error .
An unexpected internal error has occurred while processing your Client Details transaction.
Data structure containing package and ancestors is empty An unexpected internal error has occurred while processing your request.
Naval investigators have concluded that two of the crashes were caused by pilot error .
If you skewered a Huey on a sharp stump during an assault, it was pilot error .
Investigators blame the Feb. 22 crash of an F-14 into the Persian Gulf on pilot error .
Initial press reports on the Dec. 20 accident focused on how pilot errors got the crew into a navigational jam.
The usual verdict was pilot error .
It is possible for an error to result in an improvement.
The cost of possible error should be considered.
The principles of measurement and possible sources of error of this technique have been described in detail.
The system can only attempt to deal with possible errors of recognition or spelling.
These five points do not cover all possible errors , but most spelling mistakes fall into one or more of these groups.
It is possible that such errors however, are merely indicative of the same craftsman's readjustments.
In view of these possible sources of error it is surprising that extrapolated profiles ever yield results of any value.
This section then describes some validation parameters including accuracy and precision, random errors , calibration curves and noise.
This involved initial tests of short and longer term random error and spiking recovery.
But they had all made a serious error , himself included.
To me this is a serious error , the source of all our troubles.
The resource person may correct a serious error and repeat the phrase again but with no trace of disapproval or reproach.
A serious error could easily result in every semi-conductor in the project being destroyed, possibly in spectacular fashion.
This on its own is not a serious error .
He had suddenly made a serious error .
Night Effect causes serious bearing errors and interference between stations. 3.
His memory may have been tarnished over the previous decade with the acknowledgement of his serious policy errors .
Particularly small errors and omissions on my part.
Market tolerance does not always require total visual perfection and graciously allows for a small range of error .
External load torques, perhaps caused by friction, give rise to a small error in position when the motor is stationary.
Panic seized him and he felt he was about to lose everything by a small error of judgment.
But a small error in the procedure could easily leave her inoperable, or at least changed beyond recognition.
Ray designed a system called Tierra that consisted of competing programs that were constantly being filled by mutation with small errors .
However, there was one small but significant error .
There may be a very small possibility for error in the practice of selecting information from the files for transmission to clients.
There are also facilities to display the data's standard errors and select polynomial and rational functions.
Thaler and Rosen reported several estimates with confidence limits around each, based on their standard errors .
The reason for their very big standard errors become clearer from the specification of the leisure effects.
Data are expressed as mean percentage of T cells binding from three replicate wells; lines represent standard errors .
The bar lines denote standard errors .
This gives a total of 16 out of 36 which could be solved using standard error correction algorithms.
Additionally, the standard errors of the estimated coefficients are larger in Models 2 and 3 than in Model 1.
Three pieces of daub were dated and provided an average age and standard error of 830 plus/minus 40 years.
First, he made the tactical error of blaming the civil war on the ethnic groups in the north of the country.
Could this have been a major tactical error on my part?
However, by two grave tactical errors , they frittered away this supremacy without ever realising its value.
No such variable - error code 26.
He has blamed the losses on computer errors .
A computer error moved a decimal place one unit to the right.
It would only take a computer error or a mutiny by some of those manning the weapons to trigger a global war.
A computer error knocked out the system for the second time in a month.
Isn't it possible that there's been an error - a computer error, perhaps?
Dictionary look-up methods give impressive error correction but require much greater storage and computation.
The protocol incorporates yet another type of error correction and aspects of handling files.
A licence agreement may specifically prohibit error correction so that all this provision does is to raise a presumption in favour of the lawful user.
This is another interesting theoretical point, but probably of little consequence as far as error correction is concerned.
This gives a total of 16 out of 36 which could be solved using standard error correction algorithms.
The dictionary method gives much greater error correction performance, with greater storage requirements and computational cost.
It doesn't have error correction or data compression and for £249, I'd expect these features to be standard.
Such errors were studied, along with traditional error correction techniques.
CorelDRAW can still bring up those strange Waldo error messages when you're using the Blend option.
Write down any error messages you see, no matter how cryptic.
Because a single stack is used, the following error messages do not exist.
In Windows 95, you can copy details from most error messages and paste them into the Windows Notepad or Wordpad.
Each of these are listed on a separate line after the error message .
We got an error message , indicating there was no dial tone.
It doesn't come up with irrational error messages and it's nice and simple to use.
If the information entered into any field is invalid, an error message will be displayed at the foot of the page.
The quality of many of these censuses is low, and error rates of 20 percent are not unusual.
An Advertising Research Foundation study of 7, 000 survey interviews in 1975 discovered a 37 percent error rate .
One is learning: the error rate decreases with practice: each line illustrates a decrease in the error rate since starting.
Six months later, when we published error rates for each supervisor, it fell to 8 percent.
One is learning: the error rate decreases with practice: each line illustrates a decrease in the error rate since starting.
The error rates were about the same with both versions, too.
That would make the error rate enormous, and the time involved prohibitive.
The lexical look-up technique is preferable to statistical methods since it does not have a built-in error rate and guarantees lexical output.
As has already been indicated, delay can be caused by professional errors .
Naval investigators have concluded that two of the crashes were caused by pilot error .
He said in his opinion the accident was caused through driver error .
Over time, in a certain percentage of cells, that mutation caused further errors .
Often one simple fault, for example an incorrect protection on a storage account, can cause many errors to be reported.
If the patient is already speaking, the electricity merely causes errors .
Night Effect causes serious bearing errors and interference between stations. 3.
The official report into the accident which killed David Kay and his wife Margaret says it was caused by pilot error .
He had committed a grave error in lending his approval, together with that of the Church he represented, to the Exhibition.
He watched Offerman commit 139 errors , including a major-league high 35 last season in 115 games.
On this point it seems that the Literary Digest Poll and others committed two errors .
He also committed 27 errors -- second in the league -- but many were due to inexperience.
He also commits the cardinal error of underestimating his audience.
Gagne has committed 40 errors over the last three seasons.
Between them the two women served 27 double-faults and committed 124 unforced errors .
And he committed just 15 errors .
Some sources, especially primary ones, may contain statements made in error .
Of these, approximately 5 % contained errors and were rejected by the system.
Thus no syntactically correct program in our restricted version occam can contain an execution error .
In a vision given to one of his followers, the Heavenly Father stated that the Bible contained errors .
Consequently, age data contain a considerable error component that differs among surveys.
Improved computer-editing proceedings have been developed and implemented in the surveillance system which identify measurements that may contain errors .
The full-page adverts contain an extremely embarrassing error .
The machinist on the shop floor could detect but not correct the error .
He also found that in many instances children were able to correct their own errors when their attention was drawn to them.
That is, rather than correcting their errors , I model the strategies readers use when they encounter these problems.
The resource person may correct a serious error and repeat the phrase again but with no trace of disapproval or reproach.
WordPerfect allows you to correct this type of error quickly and easily.
If not detected and corrected this error would have priced the said products out of the market.
Congress now has a chance to correct its grievous error .
Scrolled areas alternatively contain error columns which are used to display input errors.
Their price of £4,000 to anyone who could find a typographical error in their works remains unclaimed to this day.
Blaine says he was let go because he had found Vial in error on anatomical matters.
The court is not allowed to peer inside at the meanings assigned to those elements, except to find a non-jurisdictional error .
I can find no errors of shape, proportion or poise - full marks for accuracy.
On finding that a printing error had left four blank pages in the 44 page booklet, I wrote to Hyperion.
I could find only one minor error , which reflects the quality of this book.
Belief in one's hypothesis has been found to lead to errors in observing and in recording the results of experiments.
The student should make notes of his errors and work on them.
About 80 percent of normal subjects make this error .
But they had all made a serious error , himself included.
More important, no changes are made in the system to eliminate the possibility of another pilot making the same error .
Even if firms were completely market orientated, they would still make errors of judgement from time to time.
The Padres made three errors in the sixth, helping the struggling Rockies to four runs and a 4-1 lead.
It was a risk, and she'd already made one monumental error of character judgement.
The recall made them pay for that mistake and sent out a terrible message about making an error in local politics.
When two planes come closer than that, an error has occurred .
An unexpected internal error has occurred while processing your Client Details transaction.
Data structure containing package and ancestors is empty An unexpected internal error has occurred while processing your request.
Mail transaction has failed An unexpected error has occurred while processing your mail transaction.
The level of checking can be tuned to reduce the number of errors detected.
This contribution cleans up echoes on telephone lines and reduces transmission errors on modems.
This saves hours of time and greatly reduces errors caused by inaccurate key pressing.
We feel it is worth noting how this particular problem was solved, using techniques to reduce the error after convergence.
The coaches want to call every play and reduce their margin for error .
The following messages report errors and should not occur.
First Aid reported this as an error , saying I was missing crucial files needed to make the program run.
The scanner checks this and reports any errors .
The subjects were required to understand the sentences and report any errors they noticed.
by/through trial and error
They learned to farm the land through trial and error.
Each individual achieves his own style by trial and error.
He learned everything just by trial and error.
I did the tutorial that came with the package deal and learned a lot through trial and error.
In any case, they were confident these minor bugs could be worked out through trial and error.
It pointed out that: Everything seems to be done by trial and error.
Science progresses by trial and error.
Some had to learn by trial and error.
These are things we learn by trial and error.
margin for error
A birdie is rare indeed at Aldeburgh where there is virtually no margin for error, especially if the wind blows.
Her margin for error shrinks to two or three seconds.
Next week, with or without Young in the lineup, the 49ers know their margin for error will be dramatically reduced.
That meant there was no margin for error.
The margins for error on a smallholding are extremely narrow; only a skilled and diligent husbandman can hope to succeed.
The coaches want to call every play and reduce their margin for error.
They repeat the errors of the past, until finally their margin for error has been all but eroded.
margin of error
The poll has a margin of error of three percent.
Because of the difficulties associated with radiocarbon dating, each new date is given a statistical margin of error.
Obviously the figure is subject to a margin of error.
Over two years of use, for more than 4,000 tests, it has never strayed beyond the permitted margin of error.
The margin of error is plus or minus one percent.
The poll has a margin of error of 5 percentage points.
"It says in this advertisement that the exhibition opens at 10." "That's an error ."
a spelling error
An error occurred in the processing of your application.
Over 50 people were denied a vote through a computer error .
She made very few typing errors.
The report concluded that the accident was caused by human error .
There seems to be an error in the data.
Whenever I try to enter the data the computer gives me an error window.
If the information entered into any field is invalid, an error message will be displayed at the foot of the page.
Nobody really knows how Dionysius made such an error .
Similarly, we may say that merely verbal errors can be corrected in standard ways.
So we shall have copies of errors being duplicated in the population.
The objective is to adjust weights so that the error in the output layer is reduced.
The text is disfigured by irritating errors and sloppy proofreading.
Until recently, their quest for the next best seller drug relied wholly on laborious physical trial and error .