1) книга, литературное произведение
2) том; издание
3) (книжный) блок
- book offered for exchange
- book printed in braille
- books above the recommended level
- books at the recommended level
- books below the recommended level
- books for beginning reader
- books for nursery school and kindergartens
- books for preschoolers
- books for self-education
- books for young adults
- book in current use
- book in number
- book in parts
- book in process
- book in raised characters
- book in sheets
- books in translation
- book on approval
- books on carpentry
- books on cooking
- books on ecology
- books on gardening
- books on music
- books on nature
- books on social problems
- books on specialized subjects
- books on sports
- book under review
- book with colored plates
- book of current interest
- books of devotion
- book of general interest
- book of God
- book of little popular appeal
- book of month
- book of patterns
- book of reference
- book of samples
- A-B-C book
- abroad books
- accession book
- address book
- admitted book
- adult book
- adult hardbound trade books
- adult paperbound books
- adventure books
- allusion book
- alphabetical book
- ancient book
- annotated book
- anopistographic block book
- antiquarian book
- antiquated book
- apocryphal books
- art book
- assembled book
- as-told-to book
- audio book
- autumn book
- auxiliary book
- award-winning books
- backlist books
- bargain book
- best-selling book
- big book
- biography books
- black-letter book
- blank book
- block book
- blue book
- business and professional books
- career books
- cartoon book
- casebound book
- cased book
- cataloged book
- caved-in book
- chained book
- cheap book
- children's book
- children's picture book
- circulation book
- class book
- clip book
- clip art book
- cloth-bound book
- cloth centered book
- comic book
- commission book
- composite book
- computer printed book
- contents book
- controlled-vocabulary books
- controversial book
- cookery book
- course books
- curious book
- current book
- cut flush book
- dated book
- desideratum book
- desk book
- desk-top reference book
- discarded book
- donation book
- double title book
- dwarf book
- early printed book
- edition-bound book
- educational book
- elephantine book
- el-hi books
- elementary-high school text books
- embossed book
- exercise book
- extra book
- extra-illustrated book
- factual book
- fall book
- faulty book
- fiction book
- film book
- first printed book
- first spelling book
- fiscal blue book
- floxed book
- folded book
- folio book
- foreign book
- forthcoming book
- fragrance books
- free bonus book
- full-color picture books
- game book
- general consumer books
- ghost book
- gift book
- gift-type children's books
- gilt-edged book
- gilt top book
- golden book
- guard book
- handy book
- hardbound book
- hard-cover book
- hard-cover mass market books
- hard-cover supplementary reading books
- hard-cover trade books
- heavily used book
- higher-priced paper book
- high-interest low-reading level book
- hobby book
- honor book
- hot-melt book
- how-to book
- illuminated book
- illustrated book
- imposition book
- informational books
- inner book
- insetted book
- junior book
- juvenile books
- juvenile trade books
- know-how book
- law book
- leather-backed book
- leather-bound book
- legible book
- letter book
- library book
- limited-field book
- literary-bibliographical reference book
- literary classics book
- little-used book
- long-run book
- loose-leaf book
- lost book
- mail-order books
- manuscript book
- marginal books
- mass market books
- medalist books
- medical books
- memo book
- microfiche book
- mismatched book
- monthly books
- multipage book
- multivolume book
- music book
- new book
- noncirculating book
- nonfiction book
- novelty book
- objectionable books
- obsolete book
- odd-sized book
- old and used book
- one-shot book
- one-up book
- one-volume book
- outsize book
- over-sized book
- paper book
- paperback book
- paperbound book
- paper-covered book
- personalized books
- phone book
- picture book
- pirated book
- play book
- pocket book
- pocket reference book
- poetry books
- pop-out picture book
- pop-up book
- prayer book
- preperforated book
- prescribed book
- press book
- preview book
- printed book
- privately illustrated book
- problem book
- processed books
- professional books
- pulled book
- puzzle book
- quarto book
- rag book
- ragged old book
- rare book
- readable book
- reading book
- recipe book
- red book
- reference book
- reject book
- religious books
- restricted book
- reworked book
- riddle book
- road book
- rolled book
- rubricated book
- rush book
- saddle-stitched book
- saleable book
- scarce books
- scholarly book
- script book
- second-hand book
- self-covered book
- semipopular books
- series books
- sex book
- sewed book
- side-wired book
- singing book
- softbound book
- softbound mass market books
- softbound trade books
- sound-recorded book
- specialized book
- specimen book
- spring book
- square book
- stabbed book
- stapled book
- stiff book
- stitched book
- subscription book
- summer book
- supplementary books
- talking book
- thrilling book
- thumb book
- thumb-indexed book
- trade book
- travel book
- trimmed flush book
- two-shot book
- two-up book
- type specification book
- type specimen book
- unbacked book
- unbound book
- uncut book
- undated book
- university press book
- unpaged book
- unprocessed books
- unpublished book
- untrimmed book
- used book
- vacation book
- visiting book
- visitors' book
- waiting list book
- washing book
- white book
- wide-margined book
- winter book
- wire-bound book
- withdrawal book
- work book
- worn book
- wrapped book
- writing book
- yellow book
- young adult book
- xylographic book