Meaning of SHARE in English

I. noun


something belonging to, assumed by, or falling to one (as in division or apportionment)

wanted his share of the prize money

Synonyms: allotment, allowance, bite, cut, lot, part, partage, portion, quota, slice; compare ration

Related Word: proportion, quotient, quotum; commission, percentage; divide, ||divvy; rake-off

Idioms: piece of the action, slice of the melon


Synonyms: ration , allotment, allowance, apportionment, measure, meed, part, portion, quantum, quota


Synonyms: interest 1, claim, stake

II. verb


Synonyms: apportion 2, divide, ||divvy, parcel, portion, prorate, quota, ration, ||shift

Related Word: assign, deal (out), dispense, dole (out), give out, mete (out)

Idioms: ||go snucks, share and share alike

Contrasted words: retain, withhold; combine, unite


to have, get, or use in common with another or others

she shared her husband's fate

Synonyms: partake, participate

Related Word: experience

Idioms: have a share ( or part) in, have ( or take) a hand in

Merriam Webster. Collegiate thesaurus English vocabulary.      Английский энциклопедический словарь тезаурус.