Meaning of CLOSE in English


Function: adjective


Synonyms: SILENT 3, close-lipped, closemouthed, close-tongued, reserved, reticent, taciturn, tight-lipped, tight-mouthed, uncommunicative

Idioms: close as a clam

Contrasted Words: candid, frank, plain

Antonyms: open


Synonyms: STUFFY 1, airless, breathless, stifling, stivy, suffocating, sultry

Related Words: humid, muggy, sticky


Synonyms: STINGY , cheeseparing, closefisted, miserly, ||narrow, niggardly, parsimonious, penny-pinching, penurious, tight

Antonyms: liberal

4 having the constituent parts massed closely together FF1C; a paper of fine close texture FF1E;

Synonyms: compact, crowded, dense, thick, tight

Related Words: compacted, compressed, condensed, consolidated, constricted, contracted; firm, solid, substantial; impenetrable, impermeable; close-grained

Contrasted Words: lax, loose, slack; unconsolidated


Synonyms: TIGHT 3, taut, tense

6 not far removed (as in space, time, or relationship) from something stipulated or understood FF1C; true and veritable are close synonyms FF1E; FF1C; the park is very close to the river FF1E; FF1C; it is close to closing time FF1E;

Synonyms: immediate, near, near-at-hand, nearly, nigh, proximate; compare NEIGHBORING

Related Words: abutting, adjacent, adjoining, contiguous; convenient, handy; nearest, nearmost, next

Idioms: at hand, at one's fingers' ends ( or fingertips), under one's nose

Contrasted Words: distant, far, faraway, far-off, removed

Antonyms: remote


Synonyms: FAMILIAR 1, chummy, confidential, intimate, thick

Contrasted Words: cool, remote, withdrawn

Antonyms: aloof

Merriam Webster. Collegiate thesaurus English dictionary.      Английский энциклопедический толковый словарь тезауруса.