Meaning of RISE in English

n. Function: verb

1 to assume an upright or standing position FF1C; he rose from his chair FF1E;

Synonyms: get up, stand up, uprise, upspring

Related Words: sit up; straighten up

Idioms: come to one's feet

Contrasted Words: lie, lounge, recline, sit; loll, sprawl


Synonyms: ROLL OUT , arise, get up, pile (out), rise and shine, turn out, uprise

Antonyms: retire


Synonyms: ADJOURN 2, dissolve, prorogate, prorogue, recess, terminate

Antonyms: sit

4 to move or come up from a lower to a higher level FF1C; smoke rose from the chimneys FF1E;

Synonyms: arise, ascend, aspire, lift, mount, soar, up, uprear

Related Words: surge, tower; climb, scale; elevate, raise, rear

Contrasted Words: descend, drop, lower; dip, plummet, sink

Antonyms: fall; decline


Synonyms: INTENSIFY , aggravate, deepen, enhance, heighten, intensate, magnify, mount, redouble, rouse


Synonyms: SURFACE


Synonyms: INCREASE 2, augment, build, enlarge, expand, heighten, mount, multiply, upsurge, wax

Antonyms: abate; fall


Synonyms: HAPPEN 1, befall, betide, chance, come, develop, fall out, go, occur, transpire


Synonyms: SPRING 1, arise, derive (from), emanate, flow, head, issue, originate, proceed, stem

Merriam Webster. Collegiate thesaurus English dictionary.      Английский энциклопедический толковый словарь тезауруса.