Meaning of SAME in English

adj. Function: adjective

1 being one rather than another or more FF1C; went to the same hotel each summer FF1E;

Synonyms: exact, identical, selfsame, very

Related Words: comparable, like, similar

Antonyms: different

2 agreeing fundamentally or absolutely FF1C; all the family have the same dark eyes FF1E;

Synonyms: duplicate, equal, equivalent, identic, identical, indistinguishable, tantamount; compare LIKE

Related Words: comparable, like, similar; coequal

Antonyms: different

3 not changing or fluctuating FF1C; treated everyone with the same courtesy FF1E;

Synonyms: consistent, constant, invariable, unchanging, unfailing, unvarying

Contrasted Words: changeable, fluctuant, inconsistent, inconstant, irregular, variable, varying

Merriam Webster. Collegiate thesaurus English dictionary.      Английский энциклопедический толковый словарь тезауруса.