Synonyms and related words :
Doppelganger, Tweedledum and Tweedledee, actual thing, aforementioned, aforenamed, aforesaid, alike, all one, all the same, anyhow, anyway, at any rate, beforementioned, boring, but, carbon copy, changeless, coequal, comparable, consistent, constant, consubstantial, copy, dead heat, dead ringer, deadlock, ditto, double, drab, draw, duplicate, equal, equivalent, even break, even so, exact, exact counterpart, exactly alike, facsimile, fair shake, for all that, foregoing, forementioned, forenamed, former, gray, homograph, homonym, homoousian, homophone, humdrum, idem, identic, identical, identical same, in any case, in any event, indistinguishable, invariable, just alike, just the same, knotted score, like, monotonous, named, neck-and-neck race, nevertheless, no other, none other, nonetheless, notwithstanding, one, photo finish, regardless, repetitive, replica, said, samely, selfsame, similar, spit and image, spitting image, stalemate, standoff, synonym, tantamount, tedious, the same, the same difference, tie, twin, unaltered, unchanged, unchanging, undifferent, unfailing, uniform, unmodified, unrelieved, unvaried, unvarying, verbatim, very, very image, very same, without difference, without distinction, word-for-word, yet