(~es, ~ing, ~ed)
Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English.
A ~ is a square or rectangular container with hard or stiff sides. Boxes often have lids.
He reached into the cardboard ~ beside him...
They sat on wooden ~es.
...the ~ of tissues on her desk.
A ~ of something is an amount of it contained in a ~.
She ate two ~es of liqueurs.
N-COUNT: usu N of n
A ~ is a square or rectangle that is printed or drawn on a piece of paper, a road, or on some other surface.
N-COUNT: usu with supp
In football, the ~ is the penalty area of the field.
He scored from the penalty spot after being brought down in the ~.
N-SING: the N
A ~ is a small separate area in a theatre or at a sports ground or stadium, where a small number of people can sit to watch the performance or game.
Television is sometimes referred to as the ~. (BRIT INFORMAL)
Do you watch it live at all or do you watch it on the ~?
= telly
N-SING: the N
Box is used before a number as a postal address by organizations that receive a lot of mail.
...Country Crafts, Box 111, Landisville.
N-COUNT: with supp, usu N num
Box is a small evergreen tree with dark leaves which is often used to form hedges.
...~ hedges.
N-UNCOUNT: oft N n
To ~ means to fight someone according to the rules of ~ing.
At school I ~ed and played rugby...
The two fighters had previously ~ed a 12-round match.
VERB: V, V n, also V as n
see also ~ed , ~ing , black ~ , chocolate-~ , lunch ~ , phone ~ , post office ~ , post~ , sentry ~ , signal ~ , telephone ~