(~s, ~ing, ~ed, ~t)
Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English.
Note: The past tense and past participle is '~ed' in American English, and '~ed' or '~t' in British English.
If there is a fire or a flame somewhere, you say that there is a fire or flame ~ing there.
Fires were ~ing out of control in the center of the city...
There was a fire ~ing in the large fireplace...
If something is ~ing, it is on fire.
When I arrived one of the vehicles was still ~ing...
That boy was rescued from a ~ing house.
VERB: V, V-ing
When we arrived in our village there was a terrible smell of ~ing.
If you ~ something, you destroy or damage it with fire.
Protesters set cars on fire and ~ed a building...
Coal fell out of the fire, and ~ed the carpet.
VERB: V n, V n
The French government has criticized the ~ing of a US flag outside the American Embassy.
If you ~ a fuel or if it ~s, it is used to produce heat, light, or energy.
The power stations ~ coal from the Ruhr region...
Manufacturers are working with new fuels to find one that ~s more cleanly than petrol.
VERB: V n, V
If you ~ something that you are cooking or if it ~s, you spoil it by using too much heat or cooking it for too long.
I ~t the toast...
Watch them carefully as they finish cooking because they can ~ easily.
VERB: V n, V
...the smell of ~t toast.
If you ~ part of your body, ~ yourself, or are ~t, you are injured by fire or by something very hot.
Take care not to ~ your fingers...
If you are badly ~t, seek medical attention.
VERB: V n, be V-ed, also V pron-refl
Burn is also a noun.
She suffered appalling ~s to her back.
If someone is ~t or ~t to death, they are killed by fire.
Women were ~ed as witches in the middle ages...
At least 80 people were ~t to death when their bus caught fire.
VERB: usu passive, be V-ed as n, be V-ed to n
If a light is ~ing, it is shining. (LITERARY)
The building was darkened except for a single light ~ing in a third-story window.
If your face is ~ing, it is red because you are embarrassed or upset.
Liz’s face was ~ing.
VERB: usu cont, V
If you are ~ing with an emotion or are ~ing to do something, you feel that emotion or the desire to do that thing very strongly.
The young boy was ~ing with a fierce ambition...
Dan ~ed to know what the reason could be.
VERB: V with n, V to-inf
If you ~ or get ~ed in the sun, the sun makes your skin become red and sore.
Build up your tan slowly and don’t allow your skin to ~...
Summer sun can ~ fair skin in minutes.
VERB: V, V n
If a part of your body ~s or if something ~s it, it has a painful, hot or stinging feeling.
My eyes ~ from staring at the needle...
His face was ~ing with cold.
...delicious Indian recipes which won’t ~ your throat.
VERB: V, V with n, V n
To ~ a CD-ROM means to write or copy data onto it. (COMPUTING INFORMAL)
You can use this software to ~ custom compilations of your favorite tunes.
see also ~ing
to ~ the candle at both ends: see candle
to get your fingers ~ed: see finger
to ~ something to the ground: see ground
to ~ the midnight oil: see midnight
to have money to ~: see money