(~s, ~ing, ~ed)
If you refer to someone’s ~ or say that they have a ~, you mean that they become angry very easily.
He had a ~ and could be nasty...
I hope he can control his ~.
Your ~ is the way you are feeling at a particular time. If you are in a good ~, you feel cheerful. If you are in a bad ~, you feel angry and impatient.
I was in a bad ~ last night...
N-VAR: with supp, oft adj N, oft in N
To ~ something means to make it less extreme. (FORMAL)
For others, especially the young and foolish, the state will ~ justice with mercy...
He had to learn to ~ his enthusiasm.
VERB: V n with n, V n
If someone is in a ~ or gets into a ~, the way that they are behaving shows that they are feeling angry and impatient.
She was still in a ~ when Colin arrived...
When I try to explain how I feel he just flies into a ~.
PHRASE: v-link PHR, PHR after v
If you lose your ~, you become so angry that you shout at someone or show in some other way that you are no longer in control of yourself.
I’ve never seen him get cross or lose his ~...
PHRASE: V inflects