Synonyms and related words :
Irish, abate, adjust, adjust to, allay, alleviate, alter, anger, animus, anneal, appease, aptitude, assuage, atmosphere, attain majority, attemper, attribute, aura, bad temper, balance, bank the fire, be tough, beef up, bent, besprinkle, bias, bloom, blunt, body-build, box in, brace, brace up, brand, breathe, brew, buttress, calcify, callous, calmness, case harden, cast, character, characteristic, characteristics, chasten, chisel temper, churlishness, circumscribe, climate, color, come of age, come to maturity, complexion, composition, composure, condition, confirm, conniption, constituents, constitution, constrain, control, cool, coolness, cornify, crasis, cue, curb, cushion, damp, dampen, dander, de-emphasize, deaden, decoct, develop, dharma, diathesis, die temper, dilute, diminish, disposition, downplay, dredge, drift, dull, dye, ease, eccentricity, endure, entincture, equanimity, ethos, extenuate, fiber, fierce temper, fiery temper, firm, firmness, fit, flavor, fledge, flower, fortify, fossilize, frame, frame of mind, fury, genius, gird, grain, grow, grow up, habit, hang tough, harden, hardness, hardness scale, heart, heat treating, hedge, hedge about, hot blood, hot temper, hotheadedness, hue, huffishness, humor, humors, idiosyncrasy, ilk, ill humor, ill temper, imbrue, imbue, impregnate, inclination, indenter, individualism, individuality, indurate, infiltrate, infuse, instill, invigorate, irascibility, ire, irritability, irritable temper, keep within bounds, kidney, kind, lapidify, lay, leaning, leave the nest, leaven, lenify, lessen, lighten, limit, lithify, make, makeup, mature, mellow, mental set, mettle, mind, mind-set, mitigate, moderate, modify, modulate, mold, mollify, mood, morale, narrow, nature, nerve, note, obtund, orientation, ossify, outburst, outlook, pacify, paddy, palliate, passion, peculiarity, peevishness, penetrate, permeate, personality, pervade, petrify, petulance, physique, play down, posture, precipitation hardening, predilection, predisposition, preference, proclivity, prop, propensity, property, qualify, quality, rage, razor temper, reach manhood, reach twenty-one, reach voting age, reduce, reduce the temperature, refresh, regulate by, reinforce, reinvigorate, relax, restrain, restrengthen, restrict, ripen, sang-froid, saturate, saw file temper, season, self-control, self-possession, set, set conditions, set limits, set temper, settle down, shore up, short temper, slacken, slant, slow down, smother, sober, sober down, soften, solidity, somatotype, soothe, sort, soundness, spindle temper, spirit, spirits, spunkiness, stability, stamp, state, state of mind, staunchness, steel, steep, stiffen, stifle, stoutness, strain, streak, strengthen, stripe, sturdiness, style, subdue, suchness, suffuse, support, suppress, surliness, sustain, system, tame, tantrum, temper tantrum, temperament, tempering, tendency, tenor, timbre, tincture, tinge, toga virilis, tone, tone down, tool temper, toughen, transfuse, trend, tune down, turn, turn of mind, twist, type, undergird, underplay, vein, vitrify, volatility, warm temper, warp, wax, way, weaken