n. & v.
n. 1 habitual or temporary disposition of mind esp. as regards composure (a person of a placid temper). 2 irritation or anger (in a fit of temper). 3 a tendency to have fits of anger (have a temper). 4 composure or calmness (keep one's temper; lose one's temper). 5 the condition of metal as regards hardness and elasticity.
v.tr. 1 bring (metal or clay) to a proper hardness or consistency. 2 (foll. by with) moderate or mitigate (temper justice with mercy). 3 tune or modulate (a piano etc.) so as to distance intervals correctly. in a bad temper angry, peevish. in a good temper in an amiable mood. out of temper angry, peevish. show temper be petulant. temperable adj. temperative adj. tempered adj. temperedly adv. temperer n.
[ OE temprian (v.) f. L temperare mingle: infl. by OF temprer, tremper ]