Meaning of TYPE in English

n. & v.

n. 1 a a class of things or persons having common characteristics. b a kind or sort (would like a different type of car). 2 a person, thing, or event serving as an illustration, symbol, or characteristic specimen of another, or of a class. 3 (in comb.) made of, resembling, or functioning as (ceramic-type material; Cheddar-type cheese). 4 colloq. a person, esp. of a specified character (is rather a quiet type; is not really my type). 5 an object, conception, or work of art serving as a model for subsequent artists. 6 Printing a a piece of metal etc. with a raised letter or character on its upper surface for use in printing. b a kind or size of such pieces (printed in large type). c a set or supply of these (ran short of type). 7 a device on either side of a medal or coin. 8 Theol. a foreshadowing in the Old Testament of a person or event of the Christian dispensation. 9 Biol. an organism having or chosen as having the essential characteristics of its group and giving its name to the next highest group.

v. 1 tr. be a type or example of. 2 tr. & intr. write with a typewriter. 3 tr. esp. Biol. & Med. assign to a type; classify. 4 tr. = TYPECAST. in type Printing composed and ready for printing. type-founder a designer and maker of metal types. type-foundry a foundry where type is made. type-metal Printing an alloy of lead etc., used for casting printing-types. type site Archaeol. a site where objects regarded as defining the characteristics of a period etc. are found. type specimen Biol. the specimen used for naming and describing a new species. typal adj.

[ ME f. F type or L typus f. Gk tupos impression, figure, type, f. tupto strike ]

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