n. 25B6; noun
a deadly poison : TOXIN, toxicant, venom; archaic bane. See lists.
Marianne would spread her poison : MALICE, ill will, hate, malevolence, bitterness, spite, spitefulness, venom, acrimony, rancour; bad influence, cancer, corruption, pollution.
25B6; verb
her mother poisoned her : GIVE POISON TO; murder.
a blackmailer poisoning baby foods : CONTAMINATE, put poison in, adulterate, spike, lace, doctor.
the Amazon is being poisoned : POLLUTE, contaminate, taint, blight, spoil; poetic/literary befoul.
they poisoned his mind : PREJUDICE, bias, jaundice, embitter, sour, envenom, warp, corrupt, subvert.
Poisonous Substances and Gases
aconitine hyoscyamine
afterdamp iodine
Agent Orange lewisite
aldrin lindane
allyl alcohol mercuric chloride
ammonia methanol
antifreeze muscarine
arsenic nerve gas
arsine nitric acid
atropine nitrogen dioxide
bleach osmium tetroxide
blister gas ouabain
bromine oxalic acid
cacodyl paraquat
cacodylic acid parathion
carbon disulphide Paris green
carbon monoxide perchloric acid
caustic soda perchloroethylene
chlordane phenol
chlorine phosgene
coniine quinine
curare rat poison
cyanic acid ricin
cyanide rotenone
cyanogen santonin
diazomethane sarin
diborane solanine
digitalin strophanthin
digoxin strychnine
dioxane sulphur dioxide
endrin tartar emetic
ethylene oxide tetrodotoxin
fluorine turpentine
formaldehyde veratrine
hydrocyanic acid warfarin
hydrogen cyanide white spirit
hydrogen sulphide zinc chromate
Poisonous Plants and Fungi
aconite lucky bean
baneberry manchineel
belladonna meadow saffron
black bryony mezereon
buttercup monkshood
cowbane naked boys
deadly nightshade naked ladies
death cap oleander
desert rose panther cap
destroying angel poison ivy
dog's mercury privet
fly agaric the sickener
fool's parsley spurge laurel
foxglove stavesacre
greater celandine thorn apple
hellebore upas (tree)
hemlock water dropwort
henbane water hemlock
Indian poke white snakeroot
laburnum wolfsbane