n. 25B6; noun
the sound of the car : NOISE, note; din, racket, row, hubbub; resonance, reverberation.
she did not make a sound : UTTERANCE, cry, word, noise, peep; informal cheep.
the sound of the flute : MUSIC, tone, notes.
I don't like the sound of that : IDEA, thought, concept, prospect, description.
we're within sound of the sea : EARSHOT, hearing (distance), range.
acoustic, sonic, aural, audio-, sono-.
25B6; verb
the buzzer sounded : MAKE A NOISE, resonate, resound, reverberate, go off, blare; ring, chime, peal.
drivers must sound their horns : BLOW, blast, toot, blare; operate, set off; ring.
do you sound the h? : PRONOUNCE, verbalize, voice, enunciate, articulate, vocalize, say.
she sounded a warning : UTTER, voice, deliver, express, speak, announce, pronounce.
it sounds a crazy idea : APPEAR, look (like), seem, strike someone as being, give every indication of being.