Meaning of STEAM in English

n. 25B6; noun

steam from the kettle : WATER VAPOUR, condensation, mist, haze, fog, moisture.

he ran out of steam : ENERGY, vigour, vitality, stamina, enthusiasm; MOMENTUM, impetus, force, strength, thrust, impulse, push, drive; speed, pace.

25B6; verb (informal) he steamed into the shop. : See run verb sense 1.

25A0; steamed up (informal)

he got steamed up about forgetting his papers. : See agitated .

they get steamed up about the media. : See angry sense 1.

25A0; let off steam (informal) GIVE VENT TO ONE'S FEELINGS, speak one's mind, speak out, sound off, lose one's inhibitions, let oneself go; use up surplus energy.

25A0; steam up MIST (UP/OVER), fog (up), become misty/misted.

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