n. 25B6; noun
scientific and technical terms : WORD, expression, phrase, turn of phrase, idiom, locution; name, title, designation, label; formal appellation, denomination.
a protest in the strongest terms : LANGUAGE, mode of expression, manner of speaking, phraseology, terminology; words, phrases, expressions.
the terms of the contract : CONDITIONS, stipulations, specifications, provisions, provisos; restrictions, qualifications; particulars, details, points.
a policy offering more favourable terms : RATES, prices, charges, costs, fees; tariff.
the President is elected for a four-year term : PERIOD, period of time, time, length of time, spell, stint, duration; stretch, run; period of office, incumbency.
(archaic) the whole term of your natural life : DURATION, length, span.
the summer term : SESSION; N. Amer. semester, trimester, quarter.
25B6; verb he has been termed the father of modern theology : CALL, name, entitle, title, style, designate, describe as, dub, label, tag; nickname; formal denominate.
25A0; come to terms
the two sides came to terms : REACH AN AGREEMENT/UNDERSTANDING, make a deal, reach a compromise, meet each other halfway.
she eventually came to terms with her situation : ACCEPT, come to accept, reconcile oneself to, learn to live with, become resigned to, make the best of; face up to.