Meaning of MAKE in English

■ verb ( ~s , making , made )

1》 form by putting parts together or combining substances.

↘( ~ something into ) alter something so that it forms (something else).

↘arrange bedclothes tidily on (a bed) ready for use.

↘ Electronics complete or close (a circuit).

2》 bring about or perform; cause.

↘cause to be, become, or seem: decorative features ~ brickwork more interesting.

↘appoint to a position.

↘agree or decide on (a specified arrangement).

↘ archaic enter into a contract of (marriage).

3》 compel (someone) to do something.

4》 constitute, amount to, or serve as.

↘estimate as.

5》 gain or earn (money or profit).

↘ Cricket score (a specified number of runs).

6》 manage to arrive at (a place) or catch (a train or other transport).

↘( ~ it ) become successful.

↘achieve a place in.

↘ chiefly N. Amer. achieve the rank of.

7》 prepare to go somewhere or to do something: he made towards the car.

8》 N. Amer. informal induce (someone) to have sex with one.

9》 (in bridge, whist, etc.) win (a trick).

↘win the number of tricks that fulfils (a contract).

↘shuffle (a pack of cards).

10》 (of the tide) begin to flow or ebb.

■ noun

1》 the manufacturer or trade name of a product.

↘the structure or composition of something.

2》 the making of electrical contact.


be made of money [usu. with negative ] informal be very rich.

be made up N. English & Irish informal be delighted.

have ( got ) it made informal be in a position where success is certain.

~ a day of it devote a whole day to an activity.

~ someone's day ~ an otherwise ordinary day pleasingly memorable for someone.

~ a House Brit. secure the presence of enough members for a quorum or support in the House of Commons.

~ do manage with the limited means available.

~ like N. Amer. informal pretend to be.

~ or break be the factor which decides whether (something) will succeed or fail.

~ sail Sailing spread a sail or sails.

↘start a voyage.

~ time

1》 find an occasion when time is available to do something.

2》 N. Amer. informal ~ sexual advances to someone.

~ up one's mind ~ a decision.

~ way

1》 allow room for someone or something else.

2》 Nautical ~ progress; travel.

on the ~ informal intent on gain.

↘looking for a sexual partner.

put the ~ on N. Amer. informal ~ sexual advances to.

Phrasal verbs

~ after dated pursue.

~ away with another way of saying ~ off with .

↘kill (someone).

~ for

1》 move towards.

2》 tend to result in or be received as.

3》 ( be made for ) be eminently suited for (a particular function or person).

~ something of give or ascribe a specified amount of attention or importance to.

↘understand the meaning of.

~ off leave hurriedly.

~ off with carry away illicitly.

~ out informal

1》 ~ progress; fare.

2》 N. Amer. engage in sexual activity.

~ someone/thing out

1》 manage with some difficulty to see, hear, or understand someone or something.

2》 represent someone or something as being of a specified nature.

3》 write out or complete a list or document.

~ something over transfer the possession of something.

~ someone over give someone a new image with cosmetics, hairstyling, etc.

~ up be reconciled after a quarrel.

~ someone up apply cosmetics to someone.

~ something up

1》 (also ~ up for ) compensate for something lost, missed, or deficient.

↘( ~ it up to ) compensate (someone) for negligent or unfair treatment.

2》 ( ~ up ) (of parts) compose or constitute (a whole).

3》 put together or prepare something from parts or ingredients.

↘ Printing arrange text and illustrations into pages.

4》 invent a story.

~ with US informal proceed to use or supply.


~able (also makable ) adjective


OE macian , of W. Gmc origin; related to match 1 .

Concise Oxford English vocab.      Сжатый оксфордский словарь английского языка.