~ 1
■ verb
1》 climb up or on to; ascend.
↘(of a male animal) get on (a female) for the purpose of copulation.
2》 get up on (an animal or bicycle) in order to ride it.
↘set on horseback; provide with a horse.
3》 grow larger, more numerous, or more intense: the costs ~ up when you buy a home.
4》 organize and initiate (a course of action, public event, etc.).
5》 set up (a barrier, stall, etc.).
6》 fix in position or on a support.
↘(with reference to a photograph or picture) set in or attach to a backing.
↘fix (a specimen) on a microscopic slide.
■ noun
1》 a backing on which a picture or photograph is set for display.
↘a stamp hinge.
2》 a support for a piece of equipment.
3》 a horse used for riding.
4》 a microscope slide.
~ guard keep watch.
~able adjective
~ed adjective
~er noun
~ing noun
ME: from OFr. munter , based on L. mons , mont- '~ain'.
~ 2
■ noun archaic or in place names a ~ain or hill: Mount Everest.
OE munt , from L. mons , mont- '~ain'.