Meaning of PIN in English

■ noun

1》 a thin piece of metal with a sharp point at one end and a round head at the other, used for fastening pieces of cloth, paper, etc.

↘a small brooch or badge.

↘ Medicine a steel rod used to join the ends of fractured bones while they heal.

2》 a metal peg that holds down the activating lever of a hand grenade, preventing its explosion.

3》 a metal projection from a plug or an integrated circuit which makes an electrical connection with a socket or another part of a circuit.

4》 Golf a stick with a flag placed in a hole to mark its position.

5》 a skittle in bowling.

6》 ( ~s ) informal legs.

7》 Chess an attack on a piece or pawn which is thereby ~ned.

8》 Brit. historical a half-firkin cask for beer.

■ verb ( ~s , ~ning , ~ned )

1》 attach or fasten with a ~ or ~s.

↘( ~ something on ) fix blame or responsibility on.

2》 hold someone firmly so they are unable to move.

↘( ~ someone down ) restrict the actions of an enemy by firing at them.

↘( ~ someone down ) force someone to be specific about their intentions.

3》 Chess hinder or prevent (a piece or pawn) from moving because of the danger to a more valuable piece standing behind it.


~ one's ears back listen carefully.

~ one's hopes (or faith ) on rely heavily on.


OE ~n , of W. Gmc origin, from L. ~na 'point, tip, edge'.

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