(Statistics) A simulation, by descriptive, conceptual, statistical, or other means, of a process or thing that is difficult or impossible to observe directly, as in an Economic Consumption Model or a River Flow Model. A descriptive or conceptual model is one which represents the structure or mechanisms of a model but does not specify the relationships in numerical form. The concept of a (simulation) quantitative model is to approximate reality by means of a quantifiable process such as a mathematical equation or series of equations. In this way the model may be used to simulate various changes in conditions in a "what if" or predictive framework. The fundamental premise of model building is that within some defined bounds of statistical probability a model may be constructed based upon the past behavior of some numeric quantity or variable, or a set of such variables, so as to be able to predict the future behavior of that variable. The actual structure of the model represents the underlying set of assumptions about a phenomenon based on the model builder's view of reality, theoretical underpinnings, proven or probable causal relationships, and deductions and inferences from past observations and experience. To be manageable and useful as a predictive tool, the model must sufficiently simplify the complexities of reality so as to lend itself to some quantifiable structure. However, this simplifying process must not be so extensive as to weaken the model's validity and negate its usefulness as an explanatory and predictive tool.
Meaning of MODEL in English
Environmental engineering English vocabulary. Английский словарь экологического инжиниринга. 2012