transcription, транскрипция: [ ədˈvɑ:ns ]
v., n., & adj. --v. 1 tr. & intr. move or put forward. 2 intr. make progress. 3 tr. a pay (money) before it is due. b lend (money). 4 tr. give active support to; promote (a person, cause, or plan). 5 tr. put forward (a claim or suggestion). 6 tr. cause (an event) to occur at an earlier date (advanced the meeting three hours). 7 tr. raise (a price). 8 intr. rise (in price). 9 tr. (as advanced adj.) a far on in progress (the work is well advanced). b ahead of the times (advanced ideas). --n. 1 an act of going forward. 2 progress. 3 a payment made before the due time. 4 a loan. 5 (esp. in pl.; often foll. by to) an amorous or friendly approach. 6 a rise in price. --attrib.adj. done or supplied beforehand (advance warning; advance copy). øadvanced (or advanced supplementary) level (in the UK) a GCE examination of a standard higher than ordinary level and GCSE. advance guard a body of soldiers preceding the main body of an army. advance on approach threateningly. in advance ahead in place or time. øøadvancer n. [ME f. OF avancer f. LL abante in front f. L ab away + ante before: (n.) partly through F avance]