transcription, транскрипция: [ kleɪm ]
v. & n. 1 a (often foll. by that + clause) demand as one's due or property. b (usu. absol.) submit a request for payment under an insurance policy. 2 a represent oneself as having or achieving (claim victory; claim accuracy). b (foll. by to + infin.) profess (claimed to be the owner). c assert, contend (claim that one knows). 3 have as an achievement or a consequence (could then claim five wins; the fire claimed many victims). 4 (of a thing) deserve (one's attention etc.). --n. 1 a a demand or request for something considered one's due (lay claim to; put in a claim). b an application for compensation under the terms of an insurance policy. 2 (foll. by to, on) a right or title to a thing (his only claim to fame; have many claims on my time). 3 a contention or assertion. 4 a thing claimed. 5 a statement of the novel features in a patent. 6 Mining a piece of land allotted or taken. øno claim (or claims) bonus a reduction of an insurance premium after an agreed period without a claim under the terms of the policy. øøclaimable adj. claimer n. [ME f. OF claime f. clamer call out f. L clamare]